Tired of antivirus - it's absurd

I guess there is no harm jumping in on this one.

I’ll take my Ad Network hat off for this post and talk as a user of many applications.

Say I go the App Store and I find an app that I’d like to download. The description discloses the kinds of Ad Units it will show but I never read the full description so I really don’t know whats coming.

First things first. EULA is there for a reason. Developers HAVE to declare if they’re going to push out ‘Out of App’ ads without the user having to scroll down in order to read it. So if I download an app that says ‘We’ll send you Push Ads and/or Icon Ads’, and if my irritation with ads will outweigh my love for the app, then I’d be pretty damn stupid to continue. But hey! Whats that? It says that I can opt out of all these ads via few simple clicks? Excellent! Now I can enjoy the app AND not get irritated by out of app ads. Excellent!

EVEN if I accidentally opt in - Every Ad comes with an Opt Out link. It just cannot get any simpler and also in your face.

Now I’m sorry but if the user despite given all these options cannot work it out, then blaming the developer is absolutely unnecessary and ridiculous. If you go out and eat and you order something without reading what the ingredients are and then you find yourself chewing on something that you don’t like, then it is your fault for not reading it fully. Information is there for a reason. Blaming others for your mistakes or shortcomings is simply childish.

Someone said that not all users read/understand English. Understandable. If I’m a developer and I know that most of my bad reviews are in a certain language, then I’d make arrangements for a EULA that discloses everything in that language. I’m sure there are other ways too to rectify this. But there is no forum large enough to go and educate every single user.

Just 20 minutes ago I was playing a game on my iPhone and it shows you an Ad after every 1-2 turns. I kid you not - I didn’t like it. Especially video ads. Mostly because I couldn’t wait for my next turn. But here is what I did. I saw there was an option to Remove Ads for $2.99, I spent that money and gave the developer a very good review for quite honestly an excellent app.

I know this was a long one but it was not EULA so you might just have read it. :smiley:

I never notice EULA because I hit back or OK before even noticing what it was. I use the new Android feature to block notifications for selected apps though. But I almost always by mistake tap the notification instead of long tapping - and the developer earns money because of that I think. :slight_smile:

leadbolt notification ads show your app name in the notification ad. its plain as day.

I also have software agreements that trump social contracts that i never agreed to (nor believe in) in the first place.

No Restaurent gives you a disclosure document to sign before eating there. If people get sick eating at restaurent they will write bad reviews.
Similarly people who push ads get bad reviews and are correctly called out as spammers/virus providers.

Why do you hate push/icon ads so much? I just don’t get it.
Fair enough disliking the ad units themselves, but you are just hating on developers like yourself for no reason.
They are not “forcing” these ad units at all, and actually allow the users to have full control of the matter, yet you continue to be hateful in a forum where the only users are developers.

Additionally, these ad units do not provide viruses. That’s the entire point of this thread.

Because they are scum among us. Developers who are using Push ads/Icons Ads are spoiling the whole Android EcoSystem (By spreading spam ware to innocent victims).

You obviously cannot be reasoned with. Oh well.

I guess that thought helps you sleep better at night being a spammer.

The point is: Developers go for push/icon ads because these ads pay more than banner ads. Imagine if banner ads pay $4-5 per 1000 impressions, who will want to use push/icon to get bad ratings.

As ad industry matures, we could see those rates for premium developers as we currently have for websites (ad companies like TribalFusion)

Most of us have the intention to get rich soon otherwise I doubt why there would be so many iOS/Android apps. Of course exceptions are there.

Thats a justification typically given by spammers, Murderers, Bank Robbers and the like.

Guys if you are using Push Ads/Icons Ads, you are spammer. You have no ethics or no sympathy for your customers. You just want to make money.

So some developers ask “Why you hate us, we do not understand?” Before EULA time there was a cheap tactic that these developers use, tactic was to wait around 24 hours to serve the first ad so on that way some other innocent developer can get 1 star rating. Think about that next time when you ask yourself why other developers hate you!

You literally joined this forum to complain about push/icon ads.

No :). But that would be worth it though.
Looks like you are not only a spammer but actively encouraging other developers to become spammers (by ad in your posts footer) so that we you can make few more dollars.

Guys if you can’t make money at the expense of spamming your users, this is not the business for you. If you are chasing quick money with cheap tricks you are in company of spammers, thieves and murders.

People download anti intrusive AD and antivirus apps just to detect that kind of push/icon ADs.
So if antiviruses have those features is just because people want them.

again I would like to take it to the web. on my website, I once used pop-unders and got punished from google in search rankings because algorithm gives more importance to user experience. Similarly as Google Play matures, it will itself place apps with push ads buried down in search results.

Currently that is not the case and developers use description, alert dialogs and review replies to pursue users to use app. Once Google starts controlling the app store quality, we should see a change in trend.

BTW, admob doesn’t have push/icon ads and that is because of some purpose. Similarly adsense doesn’t have pop-unders.

Are you serious? This is the “Making Money With Android” forum!
You’re obviously new here as you joined this month and only have a hand full of posts. Don’t start lecturing me or others as though you are the Android King or something.
This is a business for most of us and we know what works. If your goal is to make quality apps with just banner ads in it then fine, but don’t start being all high and mighty by calling us “spammers, thieves and murders.”

I use a huge array of different ad units depending on my different apps and games and what niche they target.

As for my “footer”, you will find that many people here use StartApp and many people use the same signature that I do. It provides a small bonus for new users and helps the referee out too.

If you are literally that ethically bent against aggressive ads then either keep it to yourself or leave the forum.
This is a place for discussion, not hatred or arguments.

He’s just trolling at this point, let him have the last word. I’m laughing at his disgusting attempt to classify us as murderers. While he’s busy trolling on the Internet I’m going to spend my time and make more money from people like him.

This is making money with Android doesn’t mean this forum of spammers.
My issue is with spammers and not with making money in right way.

Funny how spammers here are even blaming AirPush for bad service they provide ignoring that they are doing the same/worse to their customers.

This forum is not for spammers and virus providers. This forum is for android developers of which push ad/icons ad are the scum. If you want a spammer forum may be you should start a forum with title “Spammers Making Money”?

I think the admob way is the best solution in this case - ban. He is just trolling right now - maybe for fun, maybe because he is blind with anger.

@billyh - if you are not a troll, keep calm and don’t insult people you know nothing about just because you don’t like the way they do business.

if i was billyh i would:
1 get rid of my TV because of commercials - bastards advertise anything, i dont need a ultra spin mop or new burger from McDonalds
2 shut off my email - damn spammers, i get spam mail at least once a day grrrrrrrrrrr
3 burn my mail box - the post office gives me ads from stores in mass mailings
4 sell my car - screw those billboards on the side of the road
5 not go to the grocery store - the receipt paper has ads printed on the back of it and they have sale signs in the vegetable department
6 bust my radio - those advertisers are making catchy jingles on the radio that get stuck in my head
7 shred all magazines and news papers - pesky advertisers even have perfume samples in the magazines!!!

only thing left to do is just dig a hole and put a rock over it to get away from those evil advertisers aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh…

lol :slight_smile: