Strange decline in AdMob requests and revenue

As I told you, the CTR is just a calculated number - in admob only the “earnings”, impressions and clicks is a real number. CTR, eCPM are calculated based of this number.

So of you raise one of the real numbers, the calculated numbers will rise automatically.

Remember, that admob also gets “paid” by advertisers (there some sort of auction/bidding for keywords and more). So everyone in this chain is going for clicks. So it is logical that admob will not waste the “big player” banners on apps which have a low CTR - because it is most likely that they will not be clicked there. It is more likely they will get clicked on apps with a high CTR, so they are displayed there (because admob get the money faster :slight_smile: )

Don’t forget that the advertiser is your customer, and he wants his ads shown on places where it gets the most attention - if the CTR is very low, than that’s a proof for low attention on the ad, so advertisers will avoid that. That’s what admob does in the background as a service for the advertiser, because THEY are the customers :slight_smile:

Thanks, I understand all this!

What I don’t understand - is why the hell today I got just 2 clicks for 2000 impressions??..
Is admob giving me such crappy ads now that no one would click?
The less clicks - the worse ads admob gives me. The worse ads - the even less clicks they generate. I don’t see any way out of this situation.

If you were delivered google ads - they will not be counted immediatly … especially on my low-impression games I encounter that clicks come in quite infrequently … but maybe thats the fact, with low impr.

Just be patient - ad supported apps need huge amount of impressions before they get really profitable.

FYI. Here you can see the sudden drop of eCPM which lasted for at least 4 days.

It was reverted to normaly out of nowhere again after the 5th day.

no numbers where corrected so far. I think there was a problem in bidding system, so ads was sold for very cheap.

Remember my problem with extremely low CTR and eCMP?
As you advised, I decreased number of impressions by setting refresh rate to 120 sec. I also made a 10 sec delay before displaying first ad (for situations when a player enters level, then immediately exits).

In the last 10 days my eCPM “jumped” from $0.13 to $0.16

I think it’s a dead end - I have low CTR and AdMob is serving me very bad ads, that nobody clicks and that’s why I have low CTR…

I should probably stop working with AdMob and try some other network. :frowning:

Have you tried moving your banners to other location? I had about the same ctr as you do, but i moved mine from top to bottom and the ctr went up which resulted better ecpm aswell.

Has anyone else have strange numbers in admob geostats?

Last 30 days i have one Country that is called Unknown it has almost 8% percent ctr and 2.5$ ecpm.

just looked my geostats.

my “unknown” has an eCPM of 15$ and a CTR of 60% … would be curious what that is …

for Robo Miner I got ~1$ eCPM from admob since some days, but there’s also 300k impressions per day…

my other games with ~2000 imps/day get also low eCPM and CTR but not steady, sometimes more sometimes less.

I can’t do this because touch-screen controls in my game are mostly in the bottom part of the screen. I will probably get lots of clicks, but also will get lots of angry users.[hr]

How low? Like $0.15?
Maybe AdMob just serves better ads to apps that have lots of impressions?

Ya, I’m not making anything off admob, I’m not getting 300k impressions a day either but I make far more money off PubCenter with the WP7 port of my games. But PubCenter pays per impression, not click. So that’s probably why. My eCPM there is like 3.00. Way nicer than the 0.05 I’m getting off admob.

But I’ve been noticing a trend on Android lately. Lots of free games with no ads at all. Just iAP. Maybe that’s the way we should be going.

I am not sure if inapp-purchase is the way to go … it could also be that everyone is going to try it out - has anyone here being very profitable with in-app-purchases?

I tried in-app purchases in my game at first (without ads). Didn’t work at all for me - I was getting one sale ($1) for every 200-300 downloads.
Now after I changed to a traditional model (free-with-ads and full-no-ads apps), the sales are much better, probably $1 for 20-30 downloads.
I am not saying in-app purchases are bad, maybe they were simply not suited for my game.

Hello, this is my first post. :slight_smile:

I’ve been watching this forum for quite a while - I first found it looking for a reason for a sudden decline in admob eCPM. I wanted to share a strange occurance - eCPM right now is quite low, we know that, but I just released a new app and it has 150 downloads, it shows ads, the ad code is the one that should, I have green light (admob is receiving requests from the app), yet I have 0 revenue and 0 requests from the application. The ads are showing, yet 0 requests for two days? Is that normal? Doesn’t seem to me. I’ll be double checking the code (it’s posibble, but highly unlikely that I pushed a version with admob code of another of my applications - highly unlikely, because I just checked and code is allright, I didn’t change anything since the release).

Ads does work when you use the ad code from another app - I’ll do that regulary during development, when I do not know any name of the app yet :slight_smile: Does work.

Have you the test-ad enabled and does this test-ad show as it should? Also look in the logcat, admob is reporting if it has gotten an ad or not or why it is not displaying it. It does also output the device-id which you can use to activate test-ads for that device

Yes, I know, I sometimes forget to change the code. The problem is I checked and the code is OK, the ads ARE displaying, but the reports for this game are empty (for others there is stable raise in requests). I had test ads for my device but I turned them off to check if there are any ads displaying - and they are. Right now I don’t care much - because it’s a new game and it wouldn’t gain much anyway, but I’m wondering what is happening and when will the reports start working…
I pushed an update today, I’ll see if it changes anything…

If it’s only problem with reports - maybe they will be corrected later… It’s only two or three days since I published the game.

I also have a notification:

The reports in your AdMob account are intended to give you close estimates of the recent account activity as soon as possible. Your actual earnings will be finalized at the end of the month, by which time we will make adjustments to account for factors like delayed processing of our records, rounding discrepancies, and additional invalid click protections. Hover over the Account tab and click Account Summary to see exactly what you have been paid out for a given month.

I don’t remember seeing it before. So maybe there is a problem with reports again?

PS. To test if the ads are loading and that the code is OK I… changed the color of the ads in the admob setting panel for the game. It worked - colors changed in the ad I was seeing in the game. Still 0 in reports… Strange. :slight_smile:

I got the same message … I think they only put this message on, because users complained about getting less paid, than the statistic is telling … i strongly believe that’s the only reason for that message :slight_smile:

My stats are working so far … they are falling since the start of the month, but I guess that’s the current normal behaviour … maybe they get corrected at the end of the month (but I dont think so g)

There was a huge decrease (out of sudden) at 1st april … sure, that could be a problem … but it also could be the ending of some huge campaigns also.

How long are your ads online? I remember, that it needed quite time until the first impressions showed up in my stats after publishing a new game, so maybe that’s the reason … so when did you release your app?

Maybe so. My app is for like 4 days now.

Where did you publish your app?
I have the same problem with my games published on SlideME - hundreds of downloads and zero (or very few) ads requests…

I have 2000 active installs on Google Play, and some on SlideMe and AndroidPit. Still 0 requests. I contacted admob and am waiting for reply or correction. If they don’t fix it I will probably just update the game with a Publisher ID from another app that gets requests. Ads are displaying all the time in the game.

SlideME download counter is probably showing more downloads than there are (probably a lot of bots downloading) - check also if your app doesn’t have some huge bug that prevents people from using it - people would uninstall it very fast then and SlideME doesn’t show uninstalls.

Something is probably wrong with the counters right now though.

I just noticed that one of my other new games has 781 requests for the last 30 days. Why is that strange? Because it had the same number a week ago. Looks like more games are affected. Sth is really wrong with reports. I’m quietely hoping for a correction at the end of the month (because the revenue from this month is quite low right now), but it’s a faint hope, knowning admob.