Startapp - very low eCPM

It is the average :slight_smile:

Admob can make $28 average ecpm?! First time I heard that… this seems something wrong…

28$ ecpm with admob is like a dream. Please share your ctr. If users click on the ads accidentally then google will detect this and might red flag your app. Please make sure you are not violating their policy.

Like I wrote above, high eCPM can also be caused by something as simple as low daily impression count.

If someone is getting 200 impressions per day, for example, and somehow gets $5 in revenue (maybe he got 2 users to install an advertised app, could happen), his eCPM would be $25.

So that could also be the case, doesn’t have to be policy breach…


I am getting 300-600 / day app installs :slight_smile: