StartApp new SDK - main thread

I also got this error.

oh, got error when just run app
maybe need fix sdk =))))

Hi VanThanhThien,

Not sure this is enough info to resolve this, please email [email protected] and they will connect this to our tech team.

I’ve sent this to our tech team myself, i’ll get back to you with their reply.


It seems is not within the libs. I couldn’t find this class inside them.

I figured out the error. You also have to include StartAppCommon-1.0.0.jar in your project, as the EULA is in it. This file is hidden inside the PostCallManagerLIB. I think StartApp should put it with the other libs, out of PostCallManagerLIB.

hey All,

new ZIP are available with a quick fix to this issue.

Thanks for bringing this up everyone!

OMG what??

but i already upload 3 of my apps, lol
because when i tested it in my phone, nothin seems wrong. the EULA is show up too with no problem.
maybe because i also included the Post Call? because the EULA is there isn’t?

so should i reupload again? :confused:
but it’s show no error with me…

Anyway, if you implemented the post call, Your app will not be available on Tablet or Phone that doesn’t have SIM card. Just updated my app with the new SDK and got 384 devices removed due to the new permissions.

AH! you’re right! never think about that --"

hmm but my apps that i tested with this is all new, i haven’t update to my old apps.
so well, i just want to test it.

anyway by “not available”, do you mean it’s can’t be installed at all?
or just “the ads doesn’t show up”?

No need to update again, I think. The new version just brought StartAppCommon-1.0.0.jar more visible, with the other two libs.

I’m getting error while using proguard :

Warning: can’t find referenced method ‘void setPluginsEnabled(boolean)’ in class android.webkit.WebSettings

What should I do? I’m setting proguard properties as it is written in your instructions…

1.5$ / 1000 :o

for startapp rep

When i started the Inapp ads, i really got a really good/high eCPM, like $8-9 i think. Lately I’ve been getting $0 eCPMs most of the time for a while now even if I got hundreds of impressions on an app. I was told users hasn’t clicked or downloaded anything from my app. My question is for the new SDK’s bonus, since im getting $0 eCPMs, I’m not eligible for the 20% bonus, right? so, it is not worth it for me to integrate the new ad units from the the new SDK?

why do you think that mobario and pingjam are better? is it just because they pay more?

got error again
Could not find class ‘’, referenced from method


i imported PostCallManagerLIB library, but still get above error

why everyone get error? @@
i implemented it easilly on first try :o

but is that maybe because i don’t use banner?

when i add line: new PostCallManager(this).init(), my app will crash
if i remove line: new PostCallManager(this).init(), no crash

Hi All,

Please make sure to grab the latest SDK from the dashboard.

If any errors persist, best would be to contact [email protected], our tech team are 100% on solving any issues that pop up!


I only refer to rates, when you’re looking for an out-apt solution you need to considerate first

i) how intrusive is the solution
StartApp: Caller tool with Ads
Mobario: Widget always on top
HomeBase: Custom lockscreen

difficult choice, right? well all of them are theoretically adding engagement to the users but how of true is that? they’re intrusive at the same level and at this points the only thing that make the difference is the rate… and StartApp have the lowest rates

Is there an easy way of initializing the SDK without showing the default EULA, much like the old SDK? I would like to show a custom one.