New Google Ads Policy

I won’t add this message until they start banning. I do not believe apps need it - the EU law is for websites, not apps. And I do believe I will lose a lot of users if I display something like that.

Well, AdMob added all info about Interstials on launch/exit in their website.
And also it doesn’t affect the App itself on Google Play (as this rule regards just AdMob and not other Networks or Google Play itself).
So until I see this rule in the Google Play policy too, it shouldn’t possibly affects Apps on Google Play (regarding being banned from Google Play)

I’ve talked to my account manager over at Google and she said that every app needs this consent message (if you use Google products like AdMob/Analytics). This rule applies to every app that is available in EU countries.

Also, all other advertising networks will need to comply sooner or later. This is not something Google came up with - it’s the EU politicians.

We can stop speculating if we need this, we need to talk about ways how to implement this message in the least intrusive way and how to limit it to EU users only. Otherwise we risk driving away our other users as well (outside of EU).

So why Google didn’t send this Email to people registered to Admob only (not Adsense) or even better to all Google Play publishers?

Do we need to show it to EU users only?

Hi bluedot! Thanks for the info! How did you find your “account manager”? Can you ask her if it needs to be a pop-up, or if it can be a “notification” style thing at the top of the app which you can either view or close? (same as websites have)

I’m afraid that all the tools that we use that track the user, doesn’t matter if it is cookies or device identifiers, doesn’t matter if it’s an ad network or analytic tool, we will need to let them know what we are doing with it.

Did you read the thread?

Yes, it’s going to be a must to show it to the EU users, but you can show it to everyone if you want.

Let’s see what other account managers will tell us. I still don’t believe it. The EU law is two years old and suddenly Google (and only Google) finds it a problem? Unless there was a change recently I am not aware of?

I’m not using analytics in my apps, but admob (and have an adsense account).
As far as I know, I can’t see anything user-specfic in the admob and adsense console
(user-specific=IP address or exact deviceID etc.)
So it’s not me who is handling this data, right?
I think the text must be something like this:
“This app uses admob…admob uses device identifiers to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features…”
(and not “we use…”)

I think the best would be if it was included in the playservicelib
something like :
public boolean showEUPolicyConsentDialog(ConsentListener cl, int params)
with ready made / consistent texts
(maybe also translated in each eu language)

playservice knows best where the current user is from, and can show it only for EU users.

If it is really needed it shouldn’t require ANY work from our part - it should be done automatically by the SDK.

woul be even better

Oh come on, guys. Google made a terrible decision to inform their user about this new policy and they have poor support for every questions connected with this rule.

But you can find the answers for your questions here, because it is related to that email.

I think that answer for that question is more than clear:

Do I need to show consent messages on mobile websites as well?

Yes, the EU user consent policy also applies to mobile websites.

Or the another little bit less related info

I can consider their HELPDESK as TAST OF IGNORANCE, because I asked them a few times more and more in detail, and they just resend me the last message, that is absolutely worthless.


I also get today warning email, that my game Jump Cube, Jump is against their policy. So I explain them that they are again wrong and their answer was:

GOOGLE PLAY REMOVAL: AdMob publishers are not permitted to abuse or promote the abuse of any Google product, such as Google Play, YouTube, or Blogger. This includes circumventing, or providing the means to circumvent, the policies or terms of these or other Google products, such as by allowing users to download YouTube videos.

But as you could see even on the screenshots, it doesn’t include any Youtube videos, they are crazy.
I know, this last message is offtopic, I just want to pointed on their terrible communication with their customers.

Many thanks

Sorry it took so long, only managed to get hold of them today (phonecall).


She confirmed it with another employee there who manages Admob policy matters for reassurance.

In regards to how you present to only EU users, as long as you make reasonable effort to target EU users for their consent you will be fine.
So either show the dialog regardless of where the user is or write some code that gets their location.

Actually I didn’t receive that email (regarding cookies, ads policy) yet, not sure if everyone also receive it already?

From reading here, it looks like only people registered to Adsense received this email…

Just get an answer from my account manager at Admob replying that it’s not for Admob and apps (only for anything related to web products).
So i’m a little bit confused since it seems that other people in this forum get a different answer…

So every app needs this or only apps with admob integrated?

Even if you are using Crashlytics you will need to this… So basically, if you are displaying ads, or using any analytics tool to track the user’s behavior, you will need to do this.

So it is very sad informaiton:( A lot of updating:/ Google always do sth to piss of devs at least 1 time per 3months… (maybe it is not Google’s fault now, but developing is getting harder with every day)

That’s right about Google, because all of this started because of them. But at the end this is something from the EU, so it will affect Google and the rest of the tools that we use…

Let’s see in the upcoming weeks, how’s going to be the best way to implement this. Like adding the consent message in the settings of the app, some notification (but users can disable notifications on iOS) rather than showing a pop up.