New Admob upgrade: list problems + solutions

Thanks. I hope either they simplify it or fix it real soon. I too am losing some money, because I’ve launched an app, exactly the same day as I’ve upgraded to new AdMob, and I can’t cross promote it.

Another problem: I’ve released a new app and new admob doesn’t allow me to add it because the search it has doesn’t show it yet. :expressionless: I wonder how long I will have to wait…

You just need to select “Add your app manually” instead of the “Search for you app” button.

I don’t see that button. But the app is finally there. :slight_smile:

That’s weird! Here’s a screenshot of things on my end: Untitled-1.jpg

Ah, now I see it. It’s only visible when adding new apps in the Monetize section. Not possible in Promote section.

Any news on House Ads? I had another go today, but it doesn’t seem to work yet.

I followed the steps on The part I start having problems is 10.b.

When I try to add Ad Units I get this error:

I can’t add more than two units - sometimes I get this error when trying to add only one unit.

I’ve set up the mediation values (step 10.d) like this:

It’s been half an hour and nothing yet.

Can please someone confirm if I’m doing this right? Also, I’m missing a few app from my Promote tab. However, all my apps are correctly listen on the Monetization tab.

Hello Guys,

1 - Is it weird that I haven’t got the upgrade button yet (I use it only as a publisher with no house in ads) ?

2 - Do I have to upgrade manually? Anyone upgraded manually or all via the Upgrade button ?

Appreciate your help
Thank you

Well Google went for a “phased” approach and so people have all been granted access at different times, but I would think most people would have been given access by now.
I say that since so many things have been announced on the old Admob like not being able to run campaigns on the old Admob any more and discontinuing support for Windows7 phones.

If I were you I would try and contact Admob to see what’s going on, but I wouldn’t get worried just yet. These things take time and there are a hell of a lot of Admob users out there.

Thanks for your reply, I went over the google admob group, There are plenty of people with the same complaint from different countries, I guess I will wait one more week before the next action.

What took me by surprise is that I haven’t reached the 100 dollars threshold, and yet they sent out a payment <100.

Yeah it seems that this month they paid loads of people’s balance off on the old Admob regardless of how much it was. I would assume this means the new Admob is being pushed harder. It would be nice if they actually let people know what’s happening, but hey, that’s GOOGLE!

Something change in ECPM if i add a mediation with AdMob eCPM Floor Beta ?

I have same problem… it is madness with new admob crap, maybe someone can help with it :)?

I got the New AdMob, I added my banner for my new app, everythings fine! I implemented it 2 hours ago, but there is no impressions in the report screen, is this ok ? (NOTE: App is not published yet, I was testing banners)

It’s normal, sometimes it takes a bit more than that.

Someone knows if is there an option to select which ad categories to show, in a per-app basis? It seems that we can only do that globally, for all apps. Did I miss something?

Is House Ads now working for all of you? I will now try it again after 2 weeks and see how it goes. I’ll also record a video in case it won’t work, so you guys will maybe be able to help me out. :slight_smile:

I’ve tried to run House Ads today again, but they don’t work. I’ve updated all my billing information, I’ve read their support forums, nothing. :frowning:

Here is a picture from my settings:

Any ideas why it is not working for me?


HouseAd does not work for everyone and admob support dont want fix it, madness ;/

@kilof: They started to work for me now!! :slight_smile: It just took a couple of hours (actually 8+ hours) for the stats to show something. In the old AdMob, those numbers were almost real time.
If the HA still don’t work for you, you could try filling out your billing info (I set the billing to manual), set up your campaign according to the instructions from the Help Center, and leave it on for 3 days. This is what I did and it’s OK now.

Hey, great news but can you see your housead banner in your apps? I will try it :slight_smile: