Massive Increase in Airpush Smartwall eCPM ?

But my overall eCPM did not change.
Also, I am sure that this increment is not enough to compensate last month’s drop.

Another day without any reporting problems for me too… I could get used to this :slight_smile:

That’s what I thought too. If it’s not temporary, then I’m hooked for life.

stats are freeze again from last 7/8 hours. someone has the same problem?

yep frozen

Yep same here

It’s just a new month, and the advertisers have started to spend their budgets. It will drop to the end of month I bet.

Thinking the same.

Could be, but it’s been in my experience the opposite occurs (spending is used up near the end of the month to meet goals- It’s very apparent on mMedia’s network).

That’s a really good point. I remember actually mocking Millennial Media for being unreliable and crash-tastic. I thought they would either be acquired or die. Then they blew up, went public, and became the holy grail to some. So, oops. Got that prediction wrong

Yes… AP CPM is rocking… NOW 0.16$!!! :confused:

Drinks on you then? :slight_smile:

LOL, on my second computer there was no image… :wink: Drinked, but only a little!:wink:

you must have all china and india traffic or something, or you setup smartwall wrong.
everyone else on the thread is reporting very high SmartWall eCPM’s now.
the only question is, will it last ??
as we know with Airpush things can be volatile, so I’m hopeful but not exactly putting a down payment on that new ferrari yet :wink:

I think what you wrote earlier - reminding us that Millennial Media and Admob used to crash a ton - may be true now with Airpush. Hopefully, they turned a corner and what we’re seeing now will last.

@OscarD interestingly when you look at the PandoDaily article on Airpush saying they will do $150 million in revenue this year, and then you compare that to Millenial Media’s publically projected revenue of around $200 million, it becomes apparent that little old Airpush is now a big boy and has NO EXCUSE for these reporting issues !!
Millenial Media and Admob used to crash all the time too, but that was when they were much smaller networks. No more excuses, Airpush.

I have not seen an increase in eCPM with Airpush, still low for me.

Those of you who claim a massive increase in CPM, check the new installs, requests, & impressions to see if they have changed over the past 30 days.

After double CPM in SmartWall on 1st and 2nd July my CPM was yesterday back at th elow rate ~0.60$.

Hi, After good reports i tried to implement the Airpush SmartWall. What i dislike about it is long loading time ( 4-10 secs ) … It takes this long for u too??