Inmobi payment problem.

Hey monocube

Received your PM with your mail ID. Let me speak to the team involved and get back to you asap. You’ll hear from me within a day’s time.

Hey monocube

Your payment will be processed by tomorrow. Do let me know once you receive it :slight_smile:

Thanks, looking forward for it :slight_smile:

EDIT: I just received the money. Thanks @SohanM. I hope next payments will come on time.

Glad I could help out @monocube

Hi SohanM

I have not received my money, the website says it has paid the 08/31/2014, but the money has not arrived, I wrote and say the money is delayed, I’m still waiting for the money, I send PM with email ID

Hey @Tilde just saw your PM.

I’ll get to it immediately.

The money has arrived, thanks SohanM

OK, it happens again. It’s two weeks since InMobi shows “paid” but no money received yet. This is really unprofessional and annoying.

Hello Sir Your Team Said me that your Payment will be done by 15th December 2017 but no earnings were credited to my account .


Happy holidays!

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