Homebase Widdit

ehh… life of simple developer is hard :frowning:

Widdit seems to be working on fixing it, so it should stop being a problem soon. :slight_smile:

I hope . Stats are very complex and i can’t predict how much i will get

Same apps :
I earned from widdit 200$-300$,
from mC 2k$+

Nice - but can give you some numbers, like number of active users/impression? Is it daily or monthly?

How do you calculate that?

LOL. So on 23rd they expect us to work our a$$ off to update all the apps and make sure we meet the deadline :slight_smile:

I was using it in March 2013 and it was very profitable. I earned about 8800$ from 450k install in march and they paid.

Total Installs: 470,908
Yesterday Active Users:2,709
Account Balance: $422

450k install I had in march 2013 and this month I get 80k install but they counted so less. And I earned about 200$ from 20k install according the this “istatistic” in this month(10 day, I removed SDK).

From mobileCore, same apps, I earned about 2k$ at this period.

I tried implementing Homebase again today. Is it possible that, on Android 4.3, no unlock symbol is shown? I can only see it when i click at the bottom of the (empty) screen!

So in other words they don’t pay per active user per day?

I don’t know.

The problem will these networks who pay per active user or download is we can only hope they report the real numbers. 99% of cases, your google analytics/flurry impressions/new users will be far off from what they report.

Their SDK doesnt work right now and they will come out with a new SDK next week which is beyond the google deadline. Guess, they aint getting any love

The same story is with Push ads…

how often they pay?minimum threshold? i am getting 0.01 $ per install.

They pay Net45

its working with me

For me also it is ok.

I really dont know the what they are pay for . I asked and answer is they pay everyday for active installs . That means i will get money every day from who people using my app and also thir custom lock screen .

If it is true it is great but i cant see that on dashboard . Dashboard is unstable and past revenues changes every day . Especially turns 0

Still waiting for their new SDK.

any news about new SDK ?