Google Play Content Policy update

Can someone more knowledgeable hypothesize what this will do to ecpms? If the supply of ads just got halved, then that should double cpms, correct?

Well, I couldn’t find the exact example from google policies, but they generally say it’s not allowed to influence or artificially change the rating of the app. So I wouldn’t risk it, since you are influencing the rating by asking for the person to rate it 5*. But it might not be a major violation, so it might be safe. Still, I don’t and won’t do it.

No. That means savings for advertisers bcoz they had to make sure that they create campaigns on best ad networks and cover all kind of ads. Most banner ad networks use bid system. So ecpm is a gamble. For push, advertisers were forced to bid more than a minimum amount bcoz of the ratings/out-of-app stuff.

I don’t see ecpm increasing significantly for banner ads unless big advertisers just put all their money in one ad network with very high bids.

Do you really think this will impact GetJar/Tapjoy/Sponsorpay (i.e. incentivized downloads) - as the Google language could have another meaning - i.e. apps which artificially inflate their own download counts (as opposed to other apps’ download counts) ?

Will be interesting to see Tapjoy’s response to this.

If users report notification ads incorrectly it could lead to such issues (esp. given Google automated behavior).

This is great news!
I hope this cleans up the market and provide android apps with a better reputation.

Google’s new policy seems a bit suspicious by specifically prohibiting ad types like push notifications or app icons, Admob (Google) will surely kill alternative ad network competition…

Love to here your thoughts…

In my opinion, it may affect other ad networks that offer banners or in-app ads - companies that used pushes or icons will have to migrate.

However, it will kill nearly whole free live wallpapers or widgets market. It will also lower my earnings for ~60-70% if there won’t be a big increase in eCPM in other networks.

Just fuck you, Google.

READ MY TOP POST… Do you honestly think this by chance or design? Come on it’s Google we are talking about man. They want to eliminate competition!

They wont double but less installs coming through push notif, may mean more installs coming from inapp ads instead. Plus more competition over “less” ad inventory.
So in theory, yes the ecpms will get higher.

From what we see ecpms are already much higher with in-app ads compared to other out-of-app options, we will just see a big shift from PPIs to ecpm payments.

Anyone think Google will be expanding Google Payments to more locations with the new changes ?

Google Payments still only available in a few countries.

I expect a little increase in ecpms but not too much, since 70% developers will move to other networks which again creates greater reach and rest will go with paid model.

Yeah, I’m kinda irritated. I’ve been working nearly 24/7 on game for a month or more time, I finally after 2 years of android development started to make good money and boom, after one month startapp gets killed.

I hope they will pay current earnings, at least.

Wonder, how fast other app stores (SlideMe, Opera, …) will follow.

I’m sure they will.

I wouldn’t be much worried about the revenues. If you got an app or game that is sticky enough to have (on avg.) a user to use it 5-10 times (in his lifetime) - Be sure that you’re revenues are going to be higher than the PPI that startapp is paying. I see that in our network everyday. If the app is used often by the users - we see apps generating thousands of advertiser installs a day - which translates to much more than $0.055 per user…

Which part of the new policies that will affect the in-game points?

inflating ratings or downloads that are an incentive by the game. see quote below

that incentives should not be provided to users to rate an app; that artificially inflating an app’s install count is prohibited

the ad download systems prob not. but the games that literally tell you if you download this game you get this many point in our game for doing it. they will have to change.

Yes the automated suspension of apps will rear its ugly head yet again. Glad i only have a single app that as a feature allows you to turn on notifications of certain news events. I set it specifically to default off.

Does this mean that I have to remove the dialog, where I ask the user to rate my app? The user gets nothing for rating, just helps me to get better rating.

No you are probably safe if you just ask for rating (without pressuring user to rate it high or low).

Thanks for the answer. Then I think my apps are going to be alright.