Exit Ads and new GP Policy

Their support sucks balls, but I will probably try.

How can I add thread in forum from application.
Sorry this is not the right place to ask.

Hi !

I got that a warning from Adsense because of my interstitial.
I display after X user actions (1 time / session). If the user don’t do enough actions, I show the ads at the last backpressed (-> backpressed -> show interstitial -> leave app).
I have to fix that behaviour I think.

Yes, showing AdMob Interstitial Ads on backpressed in clearly against AdMob policy.

Before exiting app - yes, but in other places - no.


On this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrZiwrkQWBw (at 1:09), they state that we should avoid to show interstitial after back buttons.

The video title is “best pratices” but…we never know :o)

Do you mean that its against policy when app is existed?

And not against policy when coming back to activity 1 from activity 2?

Though its mentioned against policy, but i am taking the risk on back button ads within the activity.

We don’t know for sure, but that is what I think - back button ad should be OK if it’s shown between screens in your app, but not OK if it’s before exiting the app (so not, when the back press is on your title screen in case of games).