Be Carefull of airpush its a scam

I had problem too. but i can’t connect my account manager.

Try to contact Nick here in the forum

Hi @GooglePlay

How long do you used Airpush SDK?
I used only 4.5 mouths and I received only 2 monthly payments. Share the experience please.

hI @tse

I Just start to using it this month didnt get any payments from them yet

but why you received only 2 months payments ?

Talking with TSE now.


hi @AirpuchNick I opened a support request and I still haven’t gotten a response from support. Issue is about dashboard and payment issues, ticket id is 27115. I hope you can check this for me and give me an update, thanks

Hi LuckySam,

Please PM me a copy of your ticket and I will look into it.


pm sent @AirpushNick

Having problems with airpush again. I received December payments earlier than usual (Feb. 14, 2015) but much to my surprise it’s way lower than my expected earnings based on reports, payment history and dashboard. I reached out to @AirpushNick and he immediately assisted and forwarded to an account manager. I’ve also opened up a ticket. Now while I’m still waiting for a response from my account manager who says he forwarded issue to finance, support responded to me and told me that I got lower earnings because they deducted payments they sent from November earnings because for some reason they have just recently discovered that I did not qualify for November bundled earnings. Now that just seems preposterous to me, it’s now February and they say I did not qualify for november earnings so they deducted it??? How did that happen??? All my apps used the bundle 2 sdk last november 2014 and implemented all the required ads (banner 360,smartwall, eula, icon and push) and uploaded to different third party app stores and even on my own website. How can they say that I did not qualify for bundled earnings? This is unacceptable and now I’m worried I will be having these same issues for december and January earnings. If there was an issue like that for november then they should have let me known sooner, now I don’t know what’s really going on. I hope my account manager or Nick can help me resolve this issue ASAP.

Airpush its scam.
January i am contact support airpush to ask payment.
He say to me i am cant received payment because my tax verified 24 december 2015.
So my payment proccess 15 febuari.
But now i dont recevied payment.

Hi LuckySam88,

Your account manager is investigating your earnings and will revert back with a resolution soon.
@komandan - I personally banned your account because of blatant and obvious fraudulent activity. You are not Black Berry Messenger. So we are not the scam in this situation.


Thanks for the update @AirpushNick . I hope everything will be fixed soon and the account manager you assigned to me is also assisting me with this matter. I honestly don’t know how this happened and I’m seriously worried of future issues like this. If you remember I was even in touch with you from the beginning when airpush bundle 2 sdk was still in beta to make sure that I was implementing everything correctly to make sure that I will be qualified for bundle 2 earnings, and I even let you check my coding or implementation and you said that your tech people said it was done correctly. So now this really baffles me that your support says that I was not qualified for November earnings for some reason. Anyway thanks for all your assistance and hopefully everything will be cleared out and resolved.


Hi , What’s this message means in dashboard ? ‘We are investigating incorrect Real Time data for few accounts. Devs are investigating the issue.’

This is supposed to be on the advertiser dashboard. I’m getting it removed. Please disregard.


Okay , thanks

I too faced same payments issue as same as you. Even I have received payments for earlier months october and november with same uploaded apps but received only quarter payments for the month of December the sum of $400 out of $1987 don’t know the reason why this happen when I reached my account manager @AirpushGerard he said due to “some issue” I was unable to qualify bundle payments now this is the big question mark for me what is that “some issue” . I have raised ticket for it still waiting for response from past week my manager Gerard was not responding by chat or mail. If there a problem with any issue they should have inform earlier to get corrections, after all hopes on payments a sudden reason which is not expected and not acceptable.
I really need to know the reason and worried about future payments. I’ still hoping for the 100% positive response and hope for the full payments

Hi Farooq,

I saw your messages into our support team.
Gerard is investigating the issue and will update you as soon as he hears something. He did not answer as it was the weekend. We appreciate your patience.


Airpush Nick

hey @sfarooqg we actually have the same account manager, Gerard. He’s been assisting me with my issue, he’s been very helpful and always responds usually when I catch him online, unfortunately it’s been more than a week and I’m still waiting for a resolution. I have submitted everything that he asked for so hopefully everything will be fixed soon. Personally, I don’t think that airpush is a scam, but sometimes there are problems with their dashboard and reporting that’s causing some issues for the developers, but I don’t think think it’s something that they do intentionally. With that said I am hoping for a positive resolution for my payment issues so I can move forward and integrate them into more apps. I just recently started using them again a few months ago with just a few apps, and i want to use them in more, but I just can’t do that right now that there are still issues to be resolved. @AirpushNick I do appreciate all your help regarding this matter and I commend you for being active in the forum to assist developers.

Hi LuckySam88,

I have spoken with Gerard today and he is waiting on feedback from our financial team. I do appreciate your patience and understanding.
There have been some minor dashboard and reporting issues in the past, but we have a proven track record and history as a solid and legit company with 1000’s of happy and paid developers in the past, and are certainly not a scam.


Airpush Nick

I too have issues with my payment but I have started to use them in more apps. Hoping for a resolution soon