Airpush - AirSDK 1.0 now available!

Can preload the ads if my MIN SDK is 7? I have not been able.

I tried also to do with MIN SDK 11, but the time to “Loading” for SmartWall is the same as without pre load, this is normal?

Honestly this sdk has a lot to improve, and would be fine to go before we change our company…

Just checked a few of my apps that are integrated with AirPush and I saw that the banners are loading fine :slight_smile: Please someone else check as well and let us know if it’s working for you too.

There is still the issue with the Landing Page ad type, because it’s still redirecting you to the PlayStore without clicking on anything. But just disabling it from the dashboard works. Also if you exit the app then Smartwall appears after 1-3 seconds, which is kinda outside of the app. I think this might lead to some issue with Google’s new policy.

Airpush is not showing banners nor the smartwall today :frowning:

I user Airpush and other ad network for my app
Airpush = 6 dollar / day
other = 30 dollar /day
plz fix this problem

What was the other ad network you were using?

yes, tell us the other ad network. We are all annoyed with airpush already. Time to jump ship.

Are you guys still having issues with smartwall/banner loading? My smartwall and banners are working fine but I too have noticed the revenue dip.

Now seems working normaly, but i have 20% less than yesterday :smiley:

Its not normal. The request to ads impressions is only 20% means they either have no ads or their smartwall is broken. Banners seems fine for now.

I guess its probably better to get rid of Airpush altogether.

Airpush gives me 7$ per day, while TapContext 25$. That seems fine

I’m not one to complain and I’ve done very well with AirPush over the past year and they have always paid me on time etc…, but as of now I have one app on AdMob that has consistently made more with interstitials than all 12 combined on AirPush with push, icon, and smartwall for about the last 8 days or so. I wish I was kidding. In their defense, ECPM on AirPush has gone up a few cents over the past 3 days, so hopefully it will continue to rise. I really don’t want to dump them.

Interesting… How much money are you making with admob? How many impressions? I find that a little hard to believe as my CPM with admob is at $.16 all week. Where are majority of your users located?

Oh obviously you will find that hard to believe. Your CPM with Admob has to be really really low. The fact that Admob is twice the size of all other networks combined means nothing too. They have all the advertisers and developers because they hypnotize you as you go on their site maybe. Or just maybe because that they are actually CONSISTENT.

devo1985 has his apps on every network and he will join in to complain about them everywhere too. He does not get paid and never gets responses when he complains to networks. But here is the odd part. While everyone else is concerned about the decline in Airpush CPM and worse, their ads not being served, devo here has absolutely no problem. In fact he even sees things improving. I wonder if I am the only person who observes this. OR maybe OR the fact that nobody takes you seriously devo is evidence enough that you are FULL OF SHIT.

I posted some weeks ago and I said do NOT take us for fools Airpush. You just think you can go about trying to pull off these cheap tricks but it is just downright disrespectful and degrading. Shame on you!

Admob interstitials for top 5 apps yesterday…High quality apps and 1 word game that has been in the top 20 in the “top new free” in brain and puzzle category since last week.

Fill rates with AdMob are less than stellar, but the RPM is unmatched…so far…All of my AirPush apps are still on the old SDK, not sure if that matters.

The biggest disadvantage of AdMob is … that it’s only for those who have never been banned :slight_smile:

To be fair to AirPush, I don’t even bother logging into Leadbolt anymore…Today, one of my leadbolt appwalls has 2074 impressions, 37 clicks for $0.00 earnings…lol…I just think the good ol’ days of mad money advertising are over and I think these companies will pull out of it eventually with innovative concepts. They are having to deal with the policy change too, I guess. To me AirPush is like the girlfriend that you know is having problems and it may not work out in the long run, but you really hope it does and you just can’t kick her to the curb because she’s been good to you…I’m sure that we can all agree that the policy change and AdMob update was a carefully calculated power play by Google, as well…