Admob revenue dropped significantly

UPDATE guys,

My revenue back to normal today after almost a week dropped

Agree with you.
My revenue graph looks exactly same as yours.

BASTARDS eating our hard earned money on the name of mantaince.

i swear i am looking the stat guy with a big gun in hand.

admob is a joke last few days. one would think after the new policy changes the revenue would improve since they are taking out the competition but it’s not.

my status just got updated now for the last 2 days :wink:

Hey. Admob updated. Bajimat!! :D:D

how do you know they suck your money?
Yes, they have delays. But the report is restored normally after back online, as good as before.

But it seems start to have same problem again…fillrate is < 50% again…hmmm

This is the reason:

I’m really feeling like Admob is shaving the traffic and $. Seriously guys.

Here is the report:

“The world’s largest search engine first-quarter revenue fell short of targets as the price of its ad continued to decline. But the colorful and stunning interiors of Google’s offices override the temporary breakdown.”

My apps installs are going up so I was wondering why the daily revenue is falling down. Just now I checked the fill rate and its eventually decreasing!! Fness!!
2 days back I read a news that advertisers are spending less money on ads and the Google revenue is dropping fast. My be this is the reason or it may be other. But still we are F
ed up!