Admob revenue dropped significantly

Really! What about the money they sucks during the time they fixing their sever. What is the reason that in every 10-18days there is some anothe error occur in their server. Huh! Its nothing more than a plan to suck developers money. We need solid stable plan to monetization our app. :screwy::banghead:

Normally I make $30-$40 everyday, yesterday it was $4. Fill rate 40%

Admob is not updating from last night…

BASTARDS updated the stats just now.

Yesterday revenue is $1.45. Day before revenue is $4.12. Usually i make 12-13 daily.

BASTARDS ate my $18 in 2 days on the name of mainatainace.

i am with you

Yesterday $0.36 (-97%) ???/

Does any one knows how to contact them ?? How to email them ?? How do I complain this to Google. Where is the contact email ?? :frowning: :frowning:

Seriously? huh? You are thinking of contacting google in the hope that you will get some response from them? Haven’t you seen Terminator? Do you remember SKYNET? Yes? Google = Real Life SKYNET.
There is no human being living in google offices, all ROBOTS!

same here… :frowning:

couldn’t agree more…

If Google admob is too horrible then why not we leave them… Wait… Oh yes no other network have that kind of huge number of advertisers… So what should I do ??.. You know what?? I brought a Mac for installment because of confidence that my app never get a bad response from user…all says–
“I love it.” and the admob revenue was pretty good in January - march… But now it seems that my dad going to pay the installments. What a shame because of the BASTARD admob. Oh god.

Why did you buy MAC for developing Android apps in the first place? You could have bought a PC with more performance and with far less price.

nice question, that I want to ask to most of the apple buyers.

happen to me also… fill rate drop to 66%… average I earn $120/day… but today and yesterday only $20/ day


Seriously WTF was that!!!

Is it time to kiss the developer life good bye and join a company or what?

I’m about to burst into flames after seeing these stats.

Strangely, today result has started updating but ytd result still not. The fill rate still less than 50% and revenue just 20% of usual! What’s happening??

over the last 45 days my daily average revenue dropped from 200$ to 100$ same impressions same clicks just the RPM dropped to The half
And 2 days ago i had a phone call from Google About optimization my revenue and i complained about that issue they said that it’s uncontrollable due to advertisers campaigns changes over the time from country to other.

I see many of you have some problems with Admob
it is giving me a lot of headache last days.

First, my apps were never transferred to the new admob so I have old Admob showing 7 apps while new one has only 1…
Has anyone has noticed similar in his account?

Second, in past two days my app installs, and profit drop about 5 times.
My eCPM from from 5$ (yes I know it was very high already) to 0,5$

Highly frustrated with ADMOB!!

Try to contact admob with this form & share what they explain to you. :slight_smile:

I have submited my form for getting any explanation. I think we should spread our voice to admob and other… Lets do it.