Why some developers need new Accounts...

Here’s a great article on Google’s “open” market vs. Apple’s closed market: Google is waging war on apps that attack, infiltrate and steal from your phone ? Quartz

In July, Google pulled an estimated 35,000 apps from the market, about the same number as new apps that hit the store. The problem with this approach is that it has to be automated in some way, and whenever there’s automation, you’re gonna get false positives. I’d rather know upfront if my app is acceptable (as with Apple), rather then do all my marketing, even spend lots of money on it, only to get it pulled by Google later on.

Regarding OP, say what you will about his app spam tactics, the icon art is top notch! I wonder if he also has a digital design artist in his family of app developer, or if he’s using a great freelancer. :smiley:

guys now a days I see a lot of sex stories/videos apps in top new releases in India play store. Out of top 6 free apps, 3 are games. 1 is normal app and 2 are sex related apps. Is it same in other countries too? Do share your observation.

I see sex apps in US stores but they never make it to “top free”, maybe they will hang in top new free for the first 30 days but thats it…

Top new section in India is flooded with such apps! https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/topselling_new_free
Some last only for few days but some last for weeks.

Yeah…Sex stories are a waste of time seriously…worst install / retention…Crap apps are useless…trust me…I use to make them…now I make apps people can use and actually want to keep installed, lets just say it’s way better…easier money…less BS and WAY better install retention.

Good to hear from time to time that quality pays off