New to android, some questions about AdMob.


I released a game on the play store yesterday and a work colleague installed it to take a look.

Thankfully the app works as expected and the banners and interstitials are displaying but they are so not relevant to a casual game, he was getting ads for all kinds of things.
I had removed as many ad types from adMob before releasing but there is still a lot that there that I don’t really want.

Is there any way around this with adMod, i.e just show game/app/technology related ads?

Probably a very stupid question, but I am very new to the whole advertising revenue part of Android.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

AdMob is going to give you nearly 99% fill rate, but the way it does that is with all kinds of unrelated adsense ads.
For a casual game you may want to try interstitials from a network like AppNext. Most opinions I’ve heard about appnext is their interstitials are good for games.

You can try StartApp Ads these are also good for games.

Hi XdebugX,
What ad network of mediation network do you suggest apart from admob for banner ads.

If it’s reliable , it’s best.
Thanks in advance

I only use admob, but I’ve heard StartApp and Airpush have good banners. Mopub is a good mediation alternative.

startapp banners don’t give good revenue.