Multiple ID Units in app ( admob ) plez help

Can I use more than one unit ID in InterstitialAd unit


I have two activity

In activity: A

I want to show InterstitialAd unit with the unit ID: 1234

In activity: B

I want to show InterstitialAd unit with a different unit ID: 5678

Can I do that?

Does the up in earnings

Sorry for bad English


This should be fine. I also have two different interstitial ad IDs in the same app. It is so I can compare the stats for each of them and see which location has highest click through rate.

I used multiple ids in different activities for banners they blocked my one admob account.

Posed a question a little while ago in a forum admob

Their answer was:

Yes, you can use multiple ad Unit ID in one app.

But, it’s not allowed to display 2 banner Ads in one screen at the same time.

What do you think?

Possible you used the old admob?

Surely you can and it is also good for comparing different ad unit for different activities.
It has nothing to do with earnings. You will just get data for each ad id that will help you to analyze activity’s performance, that’s it!

And yes showing up multiple ads (with same or different ad-id) in one screen may get you banned. But showing a banner on a screen and on exit of that activity showing up interstitial is fine.

Can I use Interstitial Ads and Banner Ads in one activity same time ?

Thanx :slight_smile:

As interstitial is not a fixed ad I guess it’s fine as per admob policy. But I show interstitial on exit and exit activity has no banner ad.
See " Ad placement"

Thanx simplecdsb :slight_smile: