Is there any network which provides Offerwall of rewarded ad types from mult-netwk

Hey guys,

Is there any network which provides Offer-wall of rewarded ad types from all the network.
I mean some kind of mediation or something which provides an offerwall, supporting different ad formats,from all the networks?
For example rewarded video ads from Chartboost and FLurry
along with some rewarded surveys from Pollfish ?
Is there something I can Use?

I want to be using multiple networks providing variety for different ad types. But signing up for all of them is a mess.

Mediating offer walls is tough - but you can do this using APIs and creating your own wall for sorting. At Adscend Media, we work with publishers using our API to mediate multiple networks very successfully.

Rewarded video mediation though already exist, just do a quick search to find one.

You should definitely try ADXMI’s Offerwall solution, one for all!