Investing in a YouTube star to play your game/app

I never implied that they contacted those youtube channels to have their games reviewed. Learn how to read.

Me neither.

What I’m saying is that it’s possible to have a game that is not popular yet be reviewed by those youtube stars.

The developer of five nights on another forum said he himself contacted Markplier to review his game. Markplier had played a previous game of his and apparently enjoyed it so he did a review on fight nights.

MarkPlier made fight nights at freddies popular then other youtube stars piled on it.

Now I don’t know if the developer of fight nights paid MarkPlier to review his game, he just said he contacted him to review the game.

It doesn’t even matter if he asked or not. Or even if he paid or not. My goal is just that people don’t think you can become popular just because a Youtuber plays your game, if it was paid or for free.
I hope you don’t think that you also usually pay for press announcements and press reviews.

You’re underestimating the power of influence these social media stars have.

I am willing to guarantee that if pewdiepie were to play any devs game on here, it will instantly become a hit.

The man has over 30 million subscribers globally. He was recently on South Park cartoon, very popular.

I volunteer to be that dev :wink:


1st You claimed I was trying to hype up paying for youtube star videos which is blatant lie. I said I perfer pay for installs but somehow you miss that part, probably a brain fart. I also said it was risky, how the hell is that hyping it up.

2nd just because your game or app didnt do well with a youthbe star mentioning it doesnt mean it wont work for others. You experience isnt the center of the universe .

You jumped in claiming I said something I never said which warranted my response. You love to jump into topics and start sh!t and then say oh why are you attacking me. Your not the only one, this forum has become full of negative thinking people. Instead of trying to make money, you guys want fights which is ridiculous.

Instead of hearing those never ending insults from you against me an my behaviour and your imaginations about my success it would be quite nice to get an actual answer to my first question.

Insults haha you must have soft skin here let me treat it with care. Also I did answer your 1st question which is “what the hells wrong with you” . Since you didnt understand my answer , basically you lying about me hyping up YouTube video stars. You throwing words in peoples mouth. Either you dont understand what ypu read or you just want to jump in and cause trouble.

Also I am not imagining success or lack of your games. You straight told everyone the YouTube video star didnt have a huge impact on your game. So how the heck can I imagine something you wrote? I am done talking to you, your obviously ignorant and not bright. Obviously if youtube star cant boost your game, you got other problems you should be working on.

Sorry, it wasn’t a real question. I meant this part: “Provide us with some of those apps that got popular from youtubers alone and stats about them.”
Reading your tips it sounded you have a lot of experience with this, so I just wanted to hear some examples that acutally are real examples. You are too worked up about the word “hype”. I worked a few years with big publishers and have a bit experience with marketing in general. Usually free press is much more effective and easier to achieve so Youtube videos only ad a bit to the cake.


Ok thats bettera better attitude, the game that comes to mind is Dumb ways to Die. They admitted to paying for ADs in local media and making a youtube video, paying for promotion of it reaching 2.5 millions views. You can check their wiki which they described most of the process, its an excellent read. Thanks for calming down the attitude.

2.5 million in 2 days I forgot the final total but it was huge!!

@allagainstyou, its social media, what kind though, is my secret for the time being.

this is one of the best methods to get a lot of downloads. catch is you need a really addictive game. i think the best strategy is to see what’s popular like agario