How much are you earning from reskinned apps/games?

Why is reskinning over? Check my post about scam TV remote apps: Reskinning scam apps

The only thing you must ensure is to use a new dev account. But it just costs 25 $…

talk to me - i will show you how much i make and you can do the same… it is hard work but it can be done

We are in this business for a year and a half and are making money with a lot of hard work.
If you go to our Facebook page you’ll find that we are just offering a free Skype consulting call on how this business work and what do you need to do to make money from your apps

And for just 3 ‘EZ’ payments… Yaaawwwnnnnn :eek:

Its not so easy to get your game into the top charts since the competition is even higher.