Google's new patent that could affect us

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. However, I truly hope they are after fraudsters only and not legit devs/publishers. I think there is a lot of stuff going on on GP that we do not know about (pirated apps, viruses, etc.). Apple doesn’t care about the clones, nor does Amazon or Samsung. Why would Google? I know a guys, who has one account on Apple, and it’s filled with 5 or so re-skins of he same game. All is good so far, his games were approved.

you made us relax a lot. Yes viruses and malware apps should be gone. Not re-skins. When apple and amazon who have manual reviewers allow it, Google play will be massively hit if they stop re-skinned apps.

My thinking is the same - if all re-skins and “copied” codes would get banned or flagged, it would be the death of GP. A guy I know in person used to be a project manager at a large software company. They’ve made a few big apps (5k USD was their minimum charge) on our market for various companies, and the underlying code was in many cases re-used. Also, I’ve seen an ad by a competing company, which was selling a template app for various tourist agencies all across the EU. Imagine now all those customers getting flagged by Google.

I just think this scenario isn’t likely to happen.