Google Play Publisher account terminated - Any chance to create a new one ?

I read others saying that they still received money after their Gplay account was suspended, because their apps were still on user devices and they use them…
Can you please post here the content of that email? Thanks.

Google means: Go FCUK yourself, we don’t care.

Sad, but true…

I want to publish apps in China markets and use admob for ads, but I’m not sure if Admob provides ads in that area (I’m thinking at the fact that, as far as I know, in China there is no Google Play)? More concrete: will a user from China see ads from admob in their country ?

Today google suspend my 1 google play acount, i have more 4 acounts, does you think he will suspend all in next days?
I try my best best i can to not brick any rule of google, but he did it. I dont have to cry but i will happy to hear your opinion.

here what he wrote to me:
This is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated.

REASON FOR TERMINATION: Multiple violations of the Content Policy and Developer Distribution Agreement as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address of your Publisher account.

Please note that Google Play Publisher terminations are associated with developers, and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. If you feel we have made an error, you can visit the Google Play Help Center article for additional information regarding this termination.

Please do not attempt to register a new developer account. We will not be restoring your account at this time.

The Google Play Team

If they discover that those are your accounts, they say that will terminate all accounts… but I cannot tell you this for sure. Maybe you can confirm, because a few days have passed since your last post when your account was suspended.

Yes its mircle that until now google dont ban other of my acounts, maybe my errors not was so bad for them, i try my best not to breack their rules

Happy for you! But be careful, they can discover you any time. Good luck!

Maybe they know me, but my errors not was so critical.

Yeah…maybe … everything is so random at google…

The purpose of this email is to notify you that your application does not currently meet the policies of AdMob program and therefore has disabled the ads on it.

Problem ID: xxxxxxxxx

Ad serving has been disabled on: xxxxx (xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxxxx)

Action requested: check account applications meet the policies.

Current account status: Active

Explanation of the offense

ELIMINATION OF GOOGLE PLAY: AdMob publishers can not make improper use of any Google product like Google Play, YouTube or Blogger, or promote misuse of these. This includes policies or circumvent the terms of the other Google products (or provide the means to do so), for example, allowing users to download videos from YouTube.

If in accordance with the policy of Google Play application is removed, please contact Google Play disposal to communicate here. If Google Play rejoins the application, file a complaint to our team.

Action requested to verify that the account complies with the policies
Although we have disabled ad serving to the application listed above, your AdMob account remains active. We recommend that you take the time to review their applications to ensure they meet our policies, and to monitor their application to reduce the chances that we send you emails relating to politics. Also, please note that our team reserves the right to disable accounts at any time if you notice persistent infringements.

If you wish to appeal this suspension, you can do so via the appeal form.

Thank you for your feedback.

Best regards,

The Google AdMob team[/i]

Hi ,

Even am trying to create a new google play dev account after a ban now. I will list down my preperations for the same.

  1. I have a new PC (I have logged in, in this machine with my old banned google account) - So would OS reinstall would be enough to make the PC brand new to google?

  2. i have bought a new wireless dongle for the internet (so this would give me a new IP) : Do i need anything else to make it look new.

3.I have many CC’s, so i can use the one that wasnt used last time :slight_smile:

4.Regarding the name and address: Can i make little changes to the name and address and make googple think am new.

Ex: Banned account name : George W bush
New account name : George W

Similar slight changes to address would work for me?

5.Now regarding the apps, I would download the latest version of eclipse from google in my new machine and use it. what am planning to do for my old apps is , takethe unsigned export from my old eclipse (from banned machine). Do necessary changes and sign it in new machine and upload.

6.Do all future developement in the new machine. Dont never login into your banned account into new machine .

What other precautions i need to take to be genuine in the eyes of google?

@ironmaidon: there are lots of precautions you thought about, but I, personally, cannot tell you if these are enough or not. Since I was banned, I didn’t create another account (but I’m still thinking creating a new one). Please inform us if you managed to create a new clean account?

I’m preparing a new backup Google Play account. I have everything new, but I’m not sure, if I can use my GF’s credit card? I mean, Google probably knows that we’re connected (address books, emails, same IP’s etc.). What kind of data does Google collect from the credit card info, anyway? Alternatively, I could use my mother’s CC or from a friend. What do you guys think?

I’m think that it’s the right time to get another GF (Thanks to Google! Once again!).
Maybe you could find a section in google TOS to help you to explain her why you had to dump her.

Good luck!

What happen to the times when it was normal to have several wives ??