EXPOSED! Adnetwork Widdit Income Report

Hmm , that the lockscreen doesn’t work as it should is a problem Widdit should solve. This does not make my app look stupid because it IS NOT my app. It’s a third party lockscreen the user consent to install. They aren’t forced to accept. Widdit should not offer the sms option when the permission is missing offcourse… . Idan can U look into this? It is very good you have the option to exclude alot of permissions because users will HATE and Hate speech your app if you ask permissions like sms and contacts if your app doesn’t offer such functionality… people are suspicious then. And they should :). But if you have an sms app then people won’t mind and you can add the permission :stuck_out_tongue:

Contact Idan for them, he’ll send you the info

Idan, please answer to the devs questions regarding Widdit issues in other threads.


And again the hero comes along to save the day…