[EXCHANGE][Rate][G+][Comment] Sweet Jewels

Done, I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm

Please do the same for me:



Done 5* and G+

Done 5* and G+

Done 5* and G+

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I done for you as Sam Kitty (G+, 5* and good comment). Please check and do the same for me. Thanks :slight_smile:

Done 5* and G+

Rated 5* and G+ under Brian Redinger, please do the same for my app.


Done please return the favor :slight_smile:
Use the words “drunk locker app intoxicated text” in your review.

Already done!

Already done - 5* + Review (with your words) & G+

I’ve rated your game

Done (G+, rate, review) as Amelie Apps.

Could you plz do it for mine at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.learn.english.abc

and: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=arabic.learn.alefba


Done 5* Review and G+

User “guest-31a1d59” is awareded with the Bronze Medal! by @SweetJewelsGame (get it on @googlePlay http://goo.gl/5B80d5 )
