Android M Effects on Revenue

Hi guys,

Now android M developer preview is released…As they said they are giving user the opportunity to choose which app permissions to accept…
" users now being able to choose to accept or deny individual permissions as they see fit." If user deny Internet permission for app we wont able to show ads is it gonna effect on our revenue…What is your opinion on this…I think from now on we should also focus on other opportunities like Unity games,Windows apps,ios apps…

hello @NokiaDev I do not think you should worry so much. The reason is that you will be prompted about “Sensitive” permissions like accessing the accounts, or location. Internet permission is not a sensitive permission, and the most basic one for an app to function properly.Moreover user will be able to change the permissions working in an app from the settings. When a user disables a permission he will be warned about the functionality loosing from the dev. This is my understanding from the latest google talks i attended.

@andreasv is right. There’s really nothing to sweat here. I’ve been tuned into the whole app permissions thing and this is handled in a way that should make an impact, if any, on revenue very minimal.