Airpush ecpm huge drop

Hi Guys,

We are aware of the CPM and stats issue, dashboard stats were delayed. This issue has now been fully resolved and stats and CPM should be back to normal.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

Thank you Phil for your update , I noticed that things are OK now ,
I am having another issue that is I cannot login to the dashboard form mobile device , I have tried every single browser available on android but no luck ,
I am using Google login , and I believe some other developers reported the same issue here before
what do you think ?

Same problem here.
At the moment I log in on
With a normal Notebook. Mobile site is the only one working for me^^


I have brought this up to our tech team. I have heard this from other developers as well. I’ll advise once I have an update.


Phil its a cookie issue for me. Clearing fixes it.

Hi Guys,

Can you guys try deleting your cookies as Dan suggested? I had our QA team test the portal on various mobile devices and on various browsers, they did not encounter any problems. If you guys are still experiencing issues after clearing your cookies let me know where you guys are located (what country).
