Push Notifications

Hey guys. Is any of you using push notifications for your apps? I don’t mean pushing ads, but sending pushes about your app’s new features or new events inside your app. This also reminds your users to use your app more often))

Anyways, do you use any particular service for this? I’m currently using Parse.com , it’s free for the first 1 million of pushes, but if you have a user base of over 50k users then this limit it’s reached pretty fast and after that you need to pay a fee.

If you know any other services that can provide pushes then please share.

Also, do you think it’s possible to setup such a system using a server? How complicated it might be? :slight_smile:


How well does parse work? Any issues?

I use pushwoosh in my app. Up to ten minutes sometimes before pushes go threw and other issues. I’m not that happy with them :(.
They also offer 1 million impressions free.
I use local notification as well to remind users to come back to app after 3 days without activity. I don’t want it to be so aggressive to the point of the user removing the app.
Setting up a server is expensive according to my dev. He recommended using a push network. One of the most honest devs I ever worked with

So far Parse works great, it sends pretty fast the pushes(I received it on my device in less than 1 minute after sending it from Parse dashboard). But after you pass the 1 millions free pushes the sign up costs $199 per month for 15 millions of pushes, so it’s too expensive I think.

I’ve also found yesterday pushapps , but they’re in Beta stage right now so not sure how well they perform. At least the price seems very attractive.

And I’ve read about Google Cloud messaging or smth like this, it’s free and I guess it does the same as Parse and other similar services: Google Cloud Messaging for Android | Android Developers

Any other opinions will be much appreciated :slight_smile:

p.s. pushwoosh seems to offer free unlimited pushes but the devices number is limited to 1 million: http://www.pushwoosh.com/pricing/

Wow that’s great but that price is very expensive. Push woosh started out good and then went down hill slowly. I didn’t pay for this current month. I’m going to wait until the next month and pay again. Maybe they are doing some upgrade to server causing issues. Best way to contact them is on Facebook. Very slow response with emails for me. I’m using some of there pro features at only $60 a month