Adult ads for adult applications


I have a couple of adult apps on Mikandi and want to know if someone here has good revenue and from which network.

I use reporo now but i have 6 million impression for 3k click and earn something like 150$. I know the CTR is very poor but i can do nothing on it. I use singleton to display the same ads accross screens but this doesn’t help.

-reporo doesn’t report all clicks
-ads are very poor
-people just don’t care about ads

I have give a short try(2 weeks) to admoda but the revenue were nearly the same. Maybe a switch between reporo and admoda could give me more clicks due to the fact i suppose they have other ads that can attract fingers :slight_smile:

On regular apps, understand not adult, i use mopub as mediation but i can’t use it for my adult apps, that’s again the rules.
That’s why i search another system or network that perform better.

I have found but i want to know if someone has tested it.

Any experience are welcome for adult monetizatio, how is it working for you and whoch network did you use ?


Just bumping this thread up, as I’m currently looking for the same thing, aka reliable and performant ad networks for adult apps (no porn). Mediation compatibility would be a huge plus. Anybody has feedback?

are you making $150 per day or per month?

The adult industry has never really had a very good adsense/cpa like option available. You’ve always had to come up with your own campaigns, banner rotators, and custom code to have adult ads within your site or app. There are quite a few decent adult sites out there which accept mobile traffic you could use however. One of my favorite long time partners for adult traffic is Various Inc. They’ve been around since the early 2000’s or longer, and have ALWAYS paid on time.

Referral links:

Warning, the above links are NSFW. Caution.