Google Play Dev Console data missing

Was wondering if anyone else is seeing this?
Only a few of my apps are displaying total and current installs on the console. All the others are blank?
Everything was fine yesterday. I’m guessing a widespread glitch?

It happened to me yesterday, but it came back to normal today ;-).

Yep, all my apps are completely blank. I’m hoping it doesn’t affect rankings, especially if competing apps aren’t affected. I’m sure it will sort itself out soon though, not the first glitch I’ve ever experienced with the console :wink:

Everything back to normal now. Looks like it have no affect on anything luckily.
I wonder if Google have just changed something? Hmmm…

Everything is back to normal for me too. I just hate it how the install count always shows a few days behind. I think admob is probably gearing up for it’s major update manana.

I contacted Google and they said that such problem are intermittent and they are working towards to fix it. I don’t think I did something bizarre, but contacted Google just to make sure.