Help me with this please

The thing is that I wanna make an fast app , default eclipse book. I want to copy the content of a book and put it in the app. The “creator” of the book is dead…for 60 years or so…

So the Q is:
Em I gonna be banned for publishing that app which I talked about above?
Sorry for my eng is late… :smiley:

The author of the book has been dead for 60 years? Is it a known author? Is his book in the (that would mean the copyright have passed)?

Yes! I found it there! Even audio :smiley: lol . Thank you so much for the web site :smiley:

Well, if it is on then you are safe to use it. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!

So everything on archive can be used freely like open source?

I don’t know if everything (there are website archives there too which are certainly not free to use and some Creative Commons stuff) but mostly archives things that became public domain (old books, movies and sometimes new things that were release by authors as public domain or on Creative Commons licence). Under each item there should be information about copyright/licence. Public domain stuff is free to use any way you want.