Admob cost per click - who can explain this?


Today I’ve been looking over my Admob stats in detail and I discovered something really disturbing.

Have a look at this graph:


The cost of each click is much, much lower in the first game compared to the other two games in most of the countries. A click from the USA gives me $0.027 in the first game, $0.123 in the second game and $0.08 in the third game. That’s 3 or 4 times more expensive. Have a look at the column Cost per click more by: from games 2 and 3. That shows how much more I get paid for each click in those games compared to the first game.

Considering these are the countries where I get most of my impressions from, I find it very annoying and confusing. How can a click from the USA be only $0.027 and one from the UK be only $0.020.

I should mention that the first game is using smart banners while the other 2 are using standard banners that change size based on screen resolution and size.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Maybe its to do with competition for the traffic? Low competition for specific traffic drives CPC down and vice versa for high competition traffic.
Certain advertisers like to buy very specific traffic, like down to a set of different apps kind of level.
That’s all I can think of…

Not all audiences get the same offers. I am thinking your rabbit game might not show same offers that your puzzle games do?

Have you checked out General categories section and compare what ads show in what apps?

Also, regardless, 5 cents a click is pathetic…

Hey, AdMob is getting funky with me also. I had 108.000 impressions on 22/3 and the RPM was 1.77 EUR but over the week the RPM was slowly falling - 28/3 – 108.400 impressions – RPM 1.28 EUR :frowning: That’s almost 30% drop in revenue. Anyone else experiencing this?

Your Rabbit game seems will perform good in apple iOS because what I see from the screenshot that the icon and graphics may look perfect on iOS and match their users preference. Some apps perform good in iOS but not in google play. I dunno why. This is my personal assumption only.

Help the rabbit is in the board category while jigsaw puzzles are in the puzzle category. If I move Help the Rabbit to the puzzle category then the target should be similar, right?

That section allows you to see the ads in the cue and restrict some categories/specific ads to appear. But from what I can see, it’s general and applied to all my apps, I can’t check what the ads are for each game. Or am I wrong?

Yes. The RPM spiked a few weeks ago and now it’s going down slowly for me

I’ve talked to a few friends and some are in the same boat as us and some aren’t noticing any changes.

Guys, I am not talking about a revenue drop in this thread. There are plenty of other threads where Admob revenue drops are discussed.

I am talking about the fact that one app has a cost per click A LOT lower than other 2 apps. In the same time period. So why do USA clicks cost 3-4 times more in games 2 & 3 compared to game 1?

It depends on what you app does and what kind of users use it . Of your app is not related to things that advertises spend a lot of money on they’re not even going to display their ads on your app or to your users. Instead they’ll choose to target other apps and users where users are more likely to buy a what they’re selling. This leaves you with the less paying advertisers, smaller inventory and less money per click no matter which country it originates from. With a small user this is more likely.

With Google advertising ID. Advertisers have access to information about the users and their history as far as advertising’s concerned. They know what users are interested in and what they’re worth from their ad click history and which apps they use etc.

Your user base is quiet small so it’s normal to have a terrible RPM. you don’t have many high value users. Once you’re app gets thousands of users per day you’ll get better rpm

My app is a game:

It’s about a rabbit on a skateboard trying to find the quickest path to solve a maze.

I don’t see a difference in target audience for companies advertising in Help the Rabbit compared to Jigsaw Puzzles Saga for example. They are both games, they are both puzzle games, but Help the Rabbit is listed in the Board category while Jigsaw is listed in the puzzle category. I don’t know if that matters but it might worth a chance to change the category of Help the Rabbit to puzzle instead of board.

Today (so far) I have 7,741 impressions from the USA, 199 clicks and 3.63 earnings. That’s less then 2 cents for each click from the USA. I feel that is absolutely terrible, I should be getting at least 4 times more revenue for each click from the USA. Based on the other games I have, an average click from the USA should be at least 8 cents.

It’s worth experimenting with other ad networks while you’re not making much money. If the new ad network doesn’t do well, you wouldn’t lose much

@dav800: Great info about the AdMob ID. Maybe that’s what causing my RPM drops, I don’t know. Here’s my RPM for the last 7 days (down from 1.62 EUR to 1.16 EUR). I’m getting pretty concerned at the moment.


same with me. in last two weeks more than twice less RPM. Used to get 1.5-1.7


It all started on the 23rd of march… from 1.1 to 0.5 in single day. It returned to semi-normal a few days later but now it’s back to shit RPM. Anyone have any ideas what would be the cause of this? Impressions + app installs + CTR are all the same, RPM is the only thing droppin ghard.

I am limited with trying other ad networks because of the platform I am creating my games. That’s not the point, though. What I want to understand is why I am getting 2 cents per click (from the USA) in one game and 3-4 times more in another game. It just doesn’t make sense!

@avaradu1984: Maybe you could also ask this question on the AdSense Product Forum or contact AdMob directly. AdSense forum is also regularly read by AdMob team.