Users and their toleration of ads

@andreasv, questions seems to be nice, but do you translate it to the users language, or just send it only in English? Because even in Germany, Spain, Italy many people don’t know English at all. With countries like Russia, I guess the result is even worse.

@javaexp, yes, probably I will also start bombing with review requests. I have never done this, but it seems to be the only way to request reviews.

@Javanshir I can have it translated and be shown on the language of the phone rendered, however I will see according to time availability :slight_smile:

Once the survey is finished i can translate it to Spanish :wink:

About question Number 3, i will take the last two options out, there are too many and i don´t think users will know what splash and search ads are . (honestly, i don´t know either!)

Ok guys it seems there is a lot of interest here! I will create a new thread with the survey on top and edit each time there!

If any developer would like to offer a translation in his/her language after final form of survey, that would be welcome and will improve reach and results! @BaksaiApps is already in for Spanish translation :slight_smile: I also think I will remove last 2 options for question 3. I am creating the new thread now!

I’ve had a few complaints from users about ads but it’s not something I would change in my future games. I show a banner on the bottom of all the pages (except for the home page), interstitials at successful end of levels/puzzles (but at least 5 minutes between ads) and on exit.

As long as you have a decent banner that is not overlapping buttons and is not affecting the user experience and as long as interstitials show when the game is paused (after completing a level) and are not too often, I don’t think complaints are valid.

Bottom line is: try to show ads so that you don’t bother users too much. There will always be complaints. If they are many, try and find out if they disturb you when using your own app. If there are only a few complaints, don’t worry about it and keep doing what you’re doing.

Hello @andreasv great initiative. I suggest you change the wording of the last question. The word tolerence is not easy to understand for ESL people. I suggest maybe replacing it with simpler word like “are you okay with…”

Another question is, how many full screen ads shown will be considered too much for you?

Let us know the results of this:)

I can offer translation to Arabic

I bomb users with ads. I don’t care what they think, my work is not free. I pay developers out of my pocket.

Hey @hanfoosh. I will add your question too! I think you are right about tolerant I should change that too.

Guys i have created a new thread to make all question submissions there!

I will hold for new questions for one or two days and then after we translate we will put it live and i will provide a link with real time results as survey is distributed to the users!

I think 90% of the users doesn’t know the difference of these ads

Hey @sisusisu. Please feel free to suggest the wording on how to ask them! :slight_smile: The thread has been moved here for anyone else itnerested

Yes thats what the doctor recommended for my users too. 80% will uninstall in a day or 2 anyway - make as much money as you can ASAP

I would say I do not agree with this approach. If your users leave within 2 days this means either 2 things. Your app does not value to them to make them come back, or you overflow them with ads. If its the second I think you should change your strategy on monetization :slight_smile: