[Review + Rating Exchange + G+] Freeway Racing Driver

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your app on my device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!

I am download your game and will 5 as Muffinman

My game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Samer.BalloonHunter&hl=en

Rated as “VRROOOM VRROOOOOM!!! - MuffinMan” 5 stars.

my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Samer.BalloonHunter&hl=en

Please rate me good :slight_smile:

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your game on my device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!

I already did, is there another app I can rate it for you?

Btw, how much time it takes for reviews to be visible? Because I am sure people are posting reviews on my game but not showing up.

Nor my reviews are showing up on others instantly.

It seems the time review will published depends from many conditions :slight_smile:
I prefer give review for people even if don’t see their yet because sometimes it needs several hours to appear.
Anyway we all know how important reviews and first downloads at start new app and I hope none want to cheat others.

Good Luck Bro :slight_smile:

Yours didn’t appear at all yet :frowning:

Did mine appear?

I see yours and my review :slight_smile:


there is no such comments and review under name " Snowboard Fan " !

I published it 13 May:


Done, I rate 5*, review “I love it. Great game”, g, + by Mai Văn Hải

Please do with my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=duca.mobi.adventureoftomex


Ok, rated, reviewed, G+ as alanbush2. Please do the same

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your app on device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your app on device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!

nick Vahe Muradyan commented cool ,5star,g+
please do the same


hello, i have reviewed and G+ your game, name Diaa Asha


please do mine, thanks

I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm. Would you help me review and do the same with my below app, please keep install in your device at least two day for approving the review?

My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pomcoong.photo.effect.pro

Thank you very much!

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your app on device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!

Done as Snowboard Fan
I will keep your app on device at least for 2 weeks - please do the same with my game :slight_smile:
Thanks and GLWS!