[Review Exchange] Find Differences

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

I rated 5 stars, installed, and +1’d as Eddie Goebel. Please do the same: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Eddie.pong

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Rated your app 5 Stars by name “Varinder Dua” and reviewed as nice…
Please do the same for my below app.


I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “anvu nguyen”. Please do the same.


I reviewed your app as 5*stars and google like+ with name “Ján Turský”. Please do the same


Thanks and have a nice day

Hi friend,
I rate 5*, G+, comment and install
My name: kim wuchoong

Please do same with: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixsensesstudio.dontsteptile

Thank you.

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Hi simpleaddictivegames, done by sonia. Thanks.

Hi, did G+1, 5* and review form David Nyitrai "Great game! My kids love this, thanks!!!

If you could do the same for me at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appside.app.smartreader.free


Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “anvu nguyen”. Would you please help me review above game?
Thank you very much,

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Hi friend,
Done for rate with 5*, G+, comment as name ‘Lee SeungYeon’
Please do the same with: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisoftglobal.floppybirdontiles
Thank you.

Hi LeeSeungYeon,

Done by sonia.


I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “Peter Verther”. Would you please help me review and do the same with below game?
Thank you very much,

Hi, done by sonia. Thanks.

Done as Janny Tran & Luna Wang.

Plz do the same for 2 games of me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tdgc.slotmachine

Thank you so much.