[Rating & Review Exchange] WORDMINE

Done as Sebastian Haba. Here is mine:

Hi sebastian, thank you for your review. I have done also to you as Steve Glosbween

Thank you Alex. I have also do the same to your app as “Steve Glosbween”.

Nice Game 5*,g+, review as Daniel P


G+ 5* and Reviewed as Chris Borrero. Please do the same for mine.

Done as Tonda Kasik 5 stars and 1G+
please do the same here :wink:

Thank you Tonda. I also done the same to your app.

Thank you Chris . Check your app with my name “Steve Glosbween”

Done under christophe alba …Please rate 5*, review and g+

Thank you christophe alba . Check your app with my name “Steve Glosbween”

Hi. Rated, reviewed and G+ your app with the name “Sandro Ronker”.
Please do the same for my game and use the words “puzzle game” or “puzzles” or “best”.