On August 31, 2014, legacy AdMob will no longer be available. what it means?

today i saw somthing… when i create new app i make ad units for it. but there is two options - banner, interstitial. and each have different ID. is this mean that i must use two IDs in my app, for each type of ad?

Yes, provided you are using a banner and interstitial. You should also create a separate ad ID for each interstitial, although its not required.

If i still use old admob untill they close it on 31th of August .Will old admob continue send to me july and August revenue on Septmper and Octoper??

Yap, All old admob payments will be paid through normal payment cycle even if it’s below threshold.

probably. but you must not wait until then, because if you release new versions of your apps in august, do you think in less of a month all the users will update? i don’t think so, and you will losing money, because the ads will be showing only in users devices with updated version, and those with older versions will use your apps without any advertisement :wink:

If that comes too public I could imagine, ppl will collect older versions for being ad free :slight_smile: So we all may be forced to do some helpful updates also :smiley:

Already got some bad reviews about freshly added interstitials :smiley: but less than expected to be honest.

i have about 40 apps. it will be very difficult to update all of them, but this will force me to make some quality changes. i will refresh my account a little with all this migrations :smiley: but i still have struggles with this currencies. i’ve come to a solution that currency depends on adwords account. i contacted to support and i chat with a good guy who tell me that he will talk to some of his colleagues and think of something. but in his end he have nothing to do, and even contact support can’t change account currency. i also read, that if i cancel my account and transfer ownership to another, i will be able to make new account with the same gmail. what do you think. if i cancel my adwords account, what will be effect in the admob account. will it let me to choose another adwords account?

Anyone of you got EFT option after applying for self-hold in adsence payment settings?

It has been more than 3 weeks for me, still no luck.

Any major differences in revenue with new ad ids?

Well , i can not update my apps by the new format of publisher ID Bcoz my GP acc get banned ,So i will still use the old admob untill closing and i will create new admob acc today from apps.admob to use it with the new apps
What i hope is that getting all my monay from old admob after closing

About the old and new ad ids. Look at the Eric’s reply: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/2IgChJZ0w8I . So it should be clear now. The most important step is to upgrade the admob account and ads will be served.

this is wrong. initial information from google was just like the Eric’s reply, but now there is new information. According to the new information, after closing old admob, ads will stop showing if they are still with legacy ID. you must update your apps with the new ID, to continue serve ads after 31 August.
Google Play Will Stop Accepting Apps with Legacy AdMob on August 1

"Google says the following will occur on September 1 as a result of the sunset:

Ads will stop serving to legacy ad units.
Legacy house ad campaigns will stop serving.
The legacy AdMob UI will be inaccessible.

The company previously said it had “no plans” to stop serving ads, but that has now changed."

That’s Google for you. They do whatever they want, when they want and how they want.

Reply Eric Leichtenschlag

"Please see Google Ads Developer Blog: Legacy AdMob Sunset and Legacy SDK Deprecation Reminder for the official announcement.

There are two separate separate deprecation announcements:

  1. Standalone Android SDK deprecated August 1, 2014.
  2. Legacy AdMob UI deprecated August 31, 2014

The first deprecation doesn’t affect ad serving. The second deprecation will just require you to update your AdMob account to the new interface. The upgrade process creates a link between your legacy ad unit and new ad units for the new interface.

If you update your account to the new AdMob interface, traffic in your existing apps referencing legacy ad units, even traffic running against the deprecated standalone Android SDK, will still serve. And it doesn’t require an app update. The traffic will serve because there is a link from your legacy ad unit to the new ad unit as a result of the front-end upgrade.

Google’s stance has not changed with respect to ad serving on the legacy SDK."

Sunsetting Legacy Admob

Legacy AdMob will be shutting down on August 31, 2014. This means that on August 31, you will no longer be able to use legacy AdMob to promote and monetize your apps. Specifically, please be aware of the following:

Ads will stop serving to legacy ad units that are not updated with new ad unit IDs.
Legacy house ad campaigns will stop serving.
You will not be able to access the legacy AdMob UI after August 31, 2014.

this is from: https://support.google.com/admob/answer/3309397?hl=en

when i read this i understand that if you use lagacy ad ID, ads will stop serving. doesn’t matter if legacy ID is linked with the new or else… this is what i get from this situation, but i might be wrong… :slight_smile:

“If you update your account to the new AdMob interface, traffic in your existing apps referencing legacy ad units, even traffic running against the deprecated standalone Android SDK, will still serve. And it doesn’t require an app update. The traffic will serve because there is a link from your legacy ad unit to the new ad unit as a result of the front-end upgrade.”

So all of us who upgraded to the new adbmob are safe and don’t have to do anything…

So we can use old admob units in new admib interface as long as we want?

I have not upgraded to new admib yet. Can i create ad unit with old admob before upgrding and continiew with new admob?

Ads will stop serving to legacy ad units that are not updated with new ad unit IDs.
Legacy house ad campaigns will stop serving.
You will not be able to access the legacy AdMob UI after August 31, 2014.

Its not new ad-units.
Its new admob interface which is required.

ads will not be effected with old units if you have upgrded to new admob.

no update is required for the the apps.

  1. Yes
  2. Yes

Main condition - transition to new interface