No Coding Appmaker is now Live (Animated Gif Live Wallpapers)

please post any feedback, only 6 hours left and then username will be deleted.

I’ve tried your tool. It worked, I’ve choosen a wallpaper with admob. Only one problem. When I pressed back, there were an error. “Unfortunately … has stopped”

really good app–works great-----love the ad network feature–i would test this for a month and see if I can pump out some apps

I never ran into that problem, make sure there are no spaces at end of your ad code when you copy and paste

Only 2 hours left of Open beta

Beta Period is now closed, thank you all for participating, Contact me if you want to order a subscription.

Hey DroidGenie,

Congrats on the launch.

There is nothing wrong with a little competition.

Thanks, I don’t really see it as competition, we actually have very different products, We mainly specialize in Live Wallpapers.

Oh Sorry I thought you were creating a tool similar to Andromo (which would have been fine), still congrats!

It makes apps like you guys, but ours is a very simple form where user uploads app icon, animated gif, app title, package name and ad code, then click submit and the apk file will be made for them in about 15-30 seconds depending on server load.

We offer admob, revmob, airpush, but will soon add on startapp, these ad networks are best for live wallpapers based on my 2+ year experience making live wallpapers.

How does a developer make sure their keystore is used ?

And if you are using your own keystore - could it not bring into headlights of Google (because of the common keystore across hundreds of apps that would eventually be made with your app maker) ?


Google doesn’t ban apps based on keystore files I know for a fact because I used same keystore file on multiple accounts and had one account go down and all others were still up.

This is no different than using another service like andromo.

Also I believe each app made gets signed with a new generated keystore file, that’s how my guy was supposed to set it up. (but even if it doesn’t it is still safe to use just like any other software used to make apps.)

You’re wanting how much for this service?

$80/mo is too much for this. Shouldn’t be no more than $10/mo

$80? and how much can I make from live wallpapers? $160? Way too much friend. $10 a MONTH is probably pushing the limits. Got to be able to MAKE money on these ideas, not just pay for the service.

$80 is very good price since you can easily make over 50 apps in a few hours. I already have 10 signups in the past 2 days at 79.99 a pop. You will not find a quicker service anywhere, You cant even make apps this fast with andromo. And we will be adding more apps and whole lot more features in the near future.

We are starting another 24 hour beta period since we are still working on more features. Our product will also be always up to date unlike other products.

We will be adding bundle2 airpush and startapp soon as well.

I have made over $7000 in Month of March so the money is there. I ended up making about 300 live wallpapers about 10 a day and published everywhere.

Nick from Airpush can confirm my earnings if you don’t believe me.

username and password is beta for both fields

Sounds great. All the best. If I can make the money back, I’d do it. Just not sure you can get the apps up in a prominent position, with Google’s new policy.

Why don’t you try out our Beta, we might be able to lower the price for first few customers.

remmy, very good positioning is nearly impossible with current gp algorithms, keywords are no longer effective, gp has nailed it, perfect system where the only way to position is buy mass installs or blatently violate copyrights, brilliant for them, their revenue will skyrocket and indie devs will fade into the landscape, sad and challenging at the same time

Hey, one question to DroidGenie:
how Airpush is integrated? All we need to put in is our API and app number. But don’t we have to enter our package (.jar)? It’s different for every person, and here we don’t have to integrate it. Is it ok?