No admob payment email notification

Great news from Google. I am sick with net60 payment.

Do you get paid by check or something? It’s been net45 for years.

I didn’t receive notification in June for May payment but this time June earning, I received email notification in spam folder. Hopefully the net30 payment is real and all payment method will be the same.

Hi, I haven’t received any email as well. I reached the $100 limit on 31st july, Will I get notification this month or the next? Sorry for my noob question, its my first month. Thanks.

I use Paypal, add the time to withdraw to my bank, it 's net60.

Yesterday, my account google dev had been baned. So . My account admob and startapp will ban too? i will lost my money? Anynone have experiencehelp me?

Wow that sucks :confused: How come it takes so long to withdraw to your bank? It takes less than 2 hours for me.

A1ka1inE, you are a power earner and we are not :mad: :mad: :mad:. When you get $$$$ per week in paypal account, you automatically become super customer for them.

Haha, I don’t think it’s to do with earnings. Paypal used to take 2-3 days for me, but they changed it to 2 hours a long time ago. I’m not sure if it’s country specific though. I know a lot of people who have the 2 hour withdrawal thing and they only use it for personal things like sending money to a relative etc.

Anyone help me?

Well you should post in an appropriate thread really, but never mind.

If you lose your account Google will generally close your Admob account too from what I’ve seen. StartApp should be fine though, along with any other networks.

Two hours? May be only if you too much money. For me it’s take about 7 day or more if i withdraw in weekend, some time faster: 5 days.
So net60 is round result.