New Google Dev Account terminated without uploading APK

You should also try to send them an appeal

Im not sure…I bought all 3 from someone here on this forum.

Maybe that person used the same card to register multiple accounts and someone got banned which caused your accounts suspended

I don not buy cards from someone…In my country we can easily get prepaid cards so I just ask someone to get it from me and I will give them a burger in return… LOL

I think that IP’s are not that much of a problem. After all, if you live in an apartment with many people and one of them gets banned, then everyone should get banned. But it doesn’t work that way.

Same images and descriptions could be a problem, tho. But it would be unfair, if for example, a developer gets his account banned, but he sells the non-flagged apps to someone (perfectly legal and a real life situation) - does that mean that the new guy will also get automatically banned? I’m not sure. An appeal would be in place in this case, but you’d need to get an email from Google first (which OP didn’t get).

Same phones should also not be a big deal. One of the devs I know got banned, but he develops apps for other people, and tests those apps on the same device he used before. All of his app on different accounts are working fine and are not being flagged.