New Ad Policy on Google Play

Sorry to hear that. Did Google say it was the app wall that got you in trouble? You can usually just press ‘back’ and easily escape the app wall - so this is not good enough? Really troubling news.

Did you use the offers from app wall to unlock any functionality of your app otherwise unavailable? I guess that’s what is not against the rules.

So guys what does the policy says:
To use the Notification and Icons or not to use them.

I thought the advertisers need to inform the user while installing the apps that notification might come as done in Airpush so far. As far as developers are concerned, they just need to put a “Disclaimer” sort of section in their description and informing about all such things there.
I thought that was it.

Am I missing something here ??

Disclaimer is not enough. The policy is clear - you should not imitate system’s behavior. This means icon ads are prohibited, period. When it comes to notification ads it must be clear which app sent the notification. But if I was using notification ads I would stop today and see for a month or two how the things evolve. Month or two with less income is better than a lifetime with no income :slight_smile:

Hah! I did just that…

I’ve removed all leadbolt and airpush icon and notification ads from my apps.

Till things get sorted out for a while… I’d go with improving the apps for now.

Oh, and a word of advice to fellow developers, be cautious. Don’t fall for the sweet talking ad network guys… :slight_smile:

I don’t think you need to remove your notification ads from your apps if the ad shows your app name. For your app to install an icon ad, I think your app must have an license agreement saying that your app is installing an shortcut and the user may accept it or not (also the icon ad has to show your app name).
I found an app that was updated in august, so it has to comply with the new policy (the app was not removed, so it must be OK).

I think this developer is doing it the right way.
Anyway, I will disable my icon ads for my apps, and replace it for a new app format (maybe the new senddroid dialog ads), but I will keep using notification ads.

LeadBolt just released their new SDK, with better policy compliance:

Summary of Changes
[li]SDK support has been included with the new opt in function call to provide EULA functionality for ad serving with your app by presenting a EULA interstitial on request.
[/li]> [li]The new SDK provides ad pause and ad resume functions for any ad section to give you user level control of their ad experience including related event listeners.
[/li]> [li]We have included an enhanced user-orientated opt-out experience with auto generated reminder notifications and ad inclusion alerts for opt out information where appropriate. No additional coding required!
[/li]> [li]Multiple SDKs – We have built our ad serving libraries into separate SDK’s, an in-app display advertising SDK and an notification/ ad icon SDK. This will allow you to include the SDK for the only ad types you are using. Full details are in the documentation.
[/li]> [/ul]

So now we’ve got SendDroid and LeadBolt who have released updated SDKs, just waiting on Airpush who have promised the same.

I think that in the end the best developers can do is to update to the latest SDKs and ask the users for permission or at least let them know which types of ads are going to be shown beforehand.

Other than that, we just have to learn from other developer’s experiences. I don’t expect a lot of help from Google. As we have seen with David’s Google+ app… You get an e-mail stating you are in violation. But all they do is copy and paste a certain section from their policy (that you are, according to them, violating) along with a canned reply. You’d say that if they concluded that you are violating their policy, and somebody at Google actually took the time to verify that, it would only take a small amount of their time to actually write down what they verified so you can work on it. Instead, they tell you that you are free to submit an improved version of your app that is compliant. But most of the time you don’t know what to improve, and a second violation will most likely result in a permanent ban.

Google should really be more supportive.

What do you guys think about installing the shortcut to that app (not ads!) on app launch without user approval, is it prohibited also?

I find it annoying when an app installs itself on my home screen for no reason. That said, I think it would be OK by the rules of the new policy. Ads are different - because they’re not obviously linked to an app on your phone. But an app icon clearly states which app it is, doesn’t try to replicate any system functionality, and overall isn’t confusing at all.

@david - since HoneyComb this is the default behavior though I think (apps icons appear after installation automaticaly on the homescreen). I’ve seen apps that didn’t know about it resulting in two icons appearing on the homescreen.

Leadbolt included a disclaimer for icon AND notification ads. Google policy states clearly that user has to consent icon ads, but doesnt say it is necessary for notification ads.

I think a toast message like airpush shows is enough for notifications. Does senddroid also show a disclaimer for notifications?

Still no word from AirPushes new sdk.

Who would expect that! :smiley:

You’re right. theoretically it’s OK for those apps. However, from the point of view of google, auto discovery of apps those violate the new ad policy may also block auto-shortcut installer apps. I don’t think google will bother to understand if the shortcuts are ads or not. One of my apps previously suspended because of including a different sms-payment library by google’s automated system, although i wasn’t using it actually (just put the jars).

App Walls/Offer Walls - do they need a close button?

Someone earlier said he got suspended from Google Play, perhaps because his offerwalls didn’t have a close button.

Here’s what some app walls look like:

AppBrain - no close button on the offerwall itself. But before getting to the offerwall, you’re presented with a full screen dialog asking if you want more free apps, and the option to choose ‘No Thanks’.

TapJoy - no close button.

Leadbolt - no close button on the HTML app wall (I think; not 100% sure with the new updates). The SDK app wall does have a close button, but it loads very slowly compared to the HTML app wall.

@gigabreakfast, our html APPWALL’s are an “ad-link” that opens up a web browser APPWALL. The developer can place them anywhere within the context of the app. For instance, a “More Free Apps” button on the menu.

The SDK Appwall has close out because they can be inserted within the app so we have a close out for them.

Hope this helps.

Hi there Magnesus,

The link auto creation is related to the Google Play client, not to the Android version. It can be disabled in the Google Play client preferences. The default behaviour is to create a link to the newly installed apps.

An interesting read:

Well, they been haters of aggressive ad formats since the dawn of time… still, an interesting read.

I am surprised though why AppLovin is on the bad side here… hmm…

Hi there Bill,

Yes, interesting read, but until they (AppBrain, Admob, et al) provide the same eCPM, notification ads are here to stay. It’s just a business decision.