My first month / admob report page 2

That’s true, like games with Unity, man those are pretty.

So that’s all you did with Robominer? Just advertised it on some forums?

Yes, I presented Robo Miner very heavily on many forums - people started to like the game, wrote reviews about it and told their friends - that was the huge impact on increasing download numbers.

Robo Miner is still nearly without attention from the USA. It was very popular in Russia and Germany. But Russia Installs are draining now

Word Miner has half its installs in Russia,for the WP7 version. Which really surprised me. Cause its an English spelling game.

Alright, that’s what I’ll do then. I did post it on a few, androidcentral and another. Are there others in particular we should target?

Hmmm, well either I’m presenting it wrong or people just don’t want this type of game. I am just not getting downloads. I published it on Google Play, Amazon and SlideMe. Wrote my little ad on 6 or 7 Android forums. SlideMe claims that I’ve had 20 downloads in the last 8 hours but I’ve had no out of the ordinary increase ad impressions in that time so I’m calling bs on that one. Gonna leave this one and work on another I guess.

Robo Miner is also heavily installed in Russia - they like games :slight_smile: Don’t forget also, that in russia there are tons of websites about android games.

You could post it to xda-developers, they have a section for that also search for other android forums, most of them have a section where you can present your app.

Just to show the difference: I currently published 5 games on the market and I did nearly the same “marketing” for each of them - guess what: every game except Robo Miner has a max of 1000 imps per day - you see, it is not only marketing, it is also how users like the game. As soon, as I have seen, that Robo Miner was performing good, I started with adding new features over the time, because it was worth it. Also I used my other games for house-ads to bring more people to Robo Miner (I still do that) these house ads currently delivers ~5 clicks per day with a good CTR (not very much imps).

I also was curious some time and put out - it is just a button which plays a star wars blaster sound - I found it funny for kids when they want to play star wars in the garden, the can use their phone as laser blaster xD It is also funny to show or scare people xD

( I also wanted to try out the App Wall in this one )

This app was published at slideme first and got unexpected high downloads (no idea why) and I used this app to display house ads of robo miner. This little app has delivered many new users to Robo Miner.
Thing is, people who landed at Laser Blaster Simulator has maybe not found Robo Miner yet - and with the house ad I was talking to a completely different user base, not even from the market.

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how good this procedure was and how much downloads it has effectively produced, but it was and is a nice way to find new users.

1000 a day tops is about what I’m seeing. Hard to tell what’s going to grab everyone’s attention and what will fall flat.

Know what’s weird? I think I have an admirer. I made this game for Windows Phone 7 first. And I posted it on forums too. I had one comment from a person on how they loved it and all that. Which is really nice to hear.

So after posting this version on the half dozen Android forums I got comments on two of them. It is a cut and paste of the exact same comment made on the WP7 forum. By two different usernames entirely.

I think I got a stalker guys! Yay!

This review is hillarious: “Where can i get a laser pointer that actually works this was just stupid just noise”. I mostly don’t market games - the popular types are easily getting downloads. The problem is that those more interesting requiring more work don’t seem to get popularity. Maybe when I add more levels and they are complete…

You need a bit of luck and the right people liking it, they will then share and recommend the game. That was the case for Robo Miner for example.

Currently the downloads has settled and so did the impressions, currently i am at about 150k-200k imps per day. Still getting a good amount of comments but the hype has settled a little bit, so this month will not be as successful as the month before - but I am still very satisfied with that.

The good news is, while russia and german downloads has fallen, the US downloads start rising

Oh that’s good. Hopefully you can have the same effect on this side of the pond.

Ya I’m going to just move on, nothing I try can change my downloads from 3 a day, short of running an AdMob campaign, but it’s not worth the cost.

Think we’ll refocus back on Windows phone 7. We make quite a bit more money that platform than on android. It’s amazing what a smaller market and “new releases” page can do.

Time for a little update.

Since the end of march the install numbers started dropping and that lasts until now and instead of 7000 installs per day, the numbers show only 1000 a day currently.

Most of this installs come from germany and that dropped - so maybe every player in germany have played robo miner xD

Most installs happen still in germany (200/day) and (new!) in USA (200/day)

With this drop, also the impressions are dropping - and worst - also the CTR and therefore the eCPM. Instead of 300k imps per day, there are currently 150k/day

So the last update was not able to kick Robo Miner up again but I am also working on another update with completely new types of blocks which should give the players different/more gameplay again.
Unfortunately I am currently really low on time but I hope I can release this update very soon :slight_smile:

Because of a (google) Bug on some android versions … the savegames gets deleted after an update (on some devices) … that’s very annoying and I am pretty sure, this bug forces many players to stop playing after an update … will have to put a message in the game, that they should blame google for that xD

Amazon had some problems with their SSL site so I was not watching their reports for some time.

Today I did again and was surprised because there was an increase in downloads. There are now around 200 downloads a day, which is quite nice, also the comments increased, which is nice too.

I haven’t looked what is the reason for that (and it is still much less than the numbers from google play) but it is refreshing.

Now that’s much more than on getjar. slideme has stopped completely to generate downloads i think … even for updates … there are no statistics there … it shows a complete of 18000 … I am not sure, but I think there were more downloads before?

I wanted to check samsung store also … but samsung is down at the moment …

For my most popular app I seem to be getting around 150 downloads a day in the Amazon Store pretty close but slightly less than the downloads I get from Google Play.

admob is indeed quite a good thing to get an overall insight of app usage … :slight_smile:

unfortunately imps/day are still falling and if that keeps on, the daily imps will cross beyond 100k/day.

USA numbers are still rising very slowly so I am just waiting for numbers to go upwards … but maybe the states are indeed the wrong usergroup … if impr-numbers are falling beneath 100k/day i will definitly put up a little campaign … just to know for sure if it works or not xD

Also the next update is getting ready soon (i hope) - curious if that will have any influence.

interesstingly the drop started right on 1st april (with ecpm) and never recovered (with imps)

At the worst you’ll be out 50 bucks, for spending the minimum. Not a big loss. But u can always take solice in the fact that yesterday I got 6 downloads total, across all app stores. And was happy for them. Because the day before it was 0 :slight_smile: and i average 300 impressions a day. There’s no “k” at the end of that 300 :stuck_out_tongue:

naaah, when I look at my other games, they do the same xD

Overall Income of my other games ranges between 1$ and 30$ … since start of the year… (between 100 and 1000 imps a day) it is what it is xD

but here is the point … for this not often downloaded games the income for the paid versions is nearly equal to the income of the ad versions … quite interesting because ad-supported versions are normaly much easier to deploy and handle

Despite the fact, that I am really low on time currently (dayjob - profitable :wink: ) I was able to finish my

Android Report for April 2012.

Let me know if I missed something - too many things inside in my head currently :smiley:

Short for lazy readers: Much less revenue than the last month, read my article about my opinions about it

Looks good - thanks for posting comparison between the different app stores / markets there. I’ve pretty much decided to focus only on Google Play for now, due to lack of time. It’s just too difficult to keep track of a few apps across so many app stores, keeping them updated to the latest version, etc. Congratulations on managing to do this so far :slight_smile:

received payment today - and paypal limited my account xD They need additional identity confirmation and such stuff because I have received more than 2.500 in total payments this year. (european union regulation)

Well - let’s see how much time that needs, just sent them everything.

Have I told yet, that I LOVE europe and burocracy? xD

Pretty sweet haul for the year so far. I cannot tell u how depressing it was to find out the 4 brothers who made taptitude make 1600 a day