Mobilecore Stats Frozen?

I’m using Startapp and Mobilecore in my apps. Splash ads from startapp and an interstitial from mobilecore. For last 10 days, I have 100-110k impressions from Startapp and only 50-60k from MobileCore. I don’t even mention the miserable eCPMs. Something is really wrong with mobilecore.

I am loosing 50$ a day because of mobilecore now a days

from $200 - $350 weekly I am now getting $90 in two weeks with mobileCore… :frowning:

and thats because of your app with MC old sdk…
No money on New sdk…

What you guy said are true for me too! I used to get around $120 a day, but now around $2 a day. Nothing to say! Lost a lot of money!

me too, my ecpm is 0.3 with above 100k impression. What the hell is going on with mC???

by the way guys, they added one more line in proguard configuration for new sdk. I didn’t know about that, and for some days I was getting zero impression

looks like the impression bonus is coming from your earning lost?

Anyone else not able to login to mobilecore?

I can’t login to my mobilecore account. I wrote to their support

works again :slight_smile:

And earnings back to normal after a dip of 2 days

Okay, I wonder why this wasn’t mentioned before, but probably this is also not new.
After adding mobilecore to the game we’ve noticed an increase of clicks from our usual 10% to 40%, which caused a drop in daily bootups and playtime. It’s not because the ads look so good. The problem is, you can’t hit the x-button. Lots of users don’t make use of the back button and are forced to visit the play store after each ad and don’t come back to the game anymore. Anyone else experiencing this?