MobileCore Payment

What is the total amount? Do you know why it was divided?

Don’t know why. Probably they mixed mine with someone and sent less, and the they realized and sent the rest

I also got paid by dividing the money into two parts…

Me too… and i had to pay 8$ more:[

I received mine as a whole in my bank… You guys should ask MobileCore about that.

Has anyone received payment yesterday?

i haven’t received it yet but it is indicated in my payment history.

It will appear in my bank maybe tomorrow.

I received invoice too…

Even mine also showing in history but still didn’t receive any payment in paypal…

Is this your first payment?

just wait for at least 1 - 2 days…

Just got mine (8th - 14th) few hours ago :wink:

Yeah I also got…

Mobilecore ecpm is too low this week, do you have the same or it’s only me?

Exactly! Currently for last 7 days I got about 300k imps and eCPM is ONLY 0,52! Do you have any other good networks to recommend?

Same here its too low this week

Maybe no big ad sponsors yet

Guys do you have received the money for the bonus?

Yeah, the first week of feb, right after the bonus period finished.

Did anyone receive mC payment through paypal for 14-21? It is my first payment and dashboard is updated as paid since yesterday, but nothing showed up yet in my paypal.