MobFox missed payment

If you felt I attack you ,then you attacked me. Plain and simple you must like drama if you keep bumping up this thread when its was days ago when I answered. As far as the reason I gave it to you how you gave to me. You started to bully , so I fought back. Plain and simple don’t try to internet bully someone.

Exactly my point.

How exactly is my point your point? Your the one who started this non sense derailing the thread. Now everytime you come online you still bump this thread.

As do you. I am entitled to ask someone a question. You are the one who “de-railed” the thread with your fury. Just calm down and leave it alone.

No you were not asking a question you basically think your a boss and that the only AD networks that are good is the one you use. If you want to tell people what to do and say open your own forum. I don’t bump the thread I just respond to your stupid comments. Don’t tell people what to do and there wouldn’t be a problem.

Funny how you have a problem with an AD network you never even used before haha how dumb is that!!

I honestly don’t understand why you are being so hostile towards me over a simple question.
If you’d been on this forum or been developing for as long as I have you’d know just how devious and deceitful past ad networks have been on the Android platform.
It was common for them to have profiles on forums like this, constantly promoting their own network while posing as a developer.
I’m sorry if I offended you by prompting you for what I saw as strange behavior, but time and time again I saw your overly positive posts regarding NotifyMob.
Not many people use one network and no developer praises a network without some sort of criticism. I’m sure you can see what I am getting at.
NotifyMob are also new to the industry and a lot of us got bombarded by their initial marketing.
Anyway, I hope you can see my point of view a bit clearer now and that you won’t continue this pointless argument.

As I said before the reason I give Notifymob it’s respect is I already had 2 very bad exp one with tapgage and leadbolt. So finally I found one that is solid so yes I been much happier now that I get paid every Friday what I am owed. So of course I mention them whenever the subject arises .
But I have been here for months , it’s not like I am someone new that just popped up talking about Notifymob. And if you ever read their thread I don’t hype them up at all I just tell people that they do what they say. Also most of my posts or threads are about me. Either Iam promoting a game or giving out solid marketing tips.

Looks like Mobfox is increasing the delay every month and anyway never been net60 for me.

No payment received.