LeadBolt - Payoneer Payments Now Available

Oh that’s true. I wonder if the revenue would be better than the lead bolt overlay

I had troubles with the Rich Media overlay loading on the UI thread, and locking things up for a few seconds. But that was a long time ago - I believe the SDK has been updated to fix this issue now. But anyway, that’s why I went for App Wall in the first place.

I’m gonna add a More Games option in the main screen and make that launch the wall. Might Get a few clicks from that. I hope.

Alright guys, I’ve done it. Promised myself I wouldn’t when I started, but there’s only so many pennies guy can stare at before realizing that displaying thousands of ads per day probably earns Google far more than they’re giving back to us, you know, the people that get them displayed in the first place. Anyway, I’ve added a full page leadbolt ad before the reward screen in my game. I noticed most of them had a static size that looks super tiny on my EVO 3D. So I just went for the Top Apps/Games page. It resizes full screen. I also added a More Games button on my main screen that basically launches the same ad :slight_smile: I would have preferred a different one on the reward screen, but then I figured, the players are gonna hate any ad I throw up there. The least I can do is make it an ad for more games. And not ads for Car parts and insurance.

Anyway, I’ll keep you all posted. I know a lot of you guys have very successful games and apps. But I’m in the 5000 impressions / 20 downloads a day club. See if I can turn my pennies a day into tens of pennies a day!

Sounds good - do let us know how it goes! Any step forward is a good thing, and don’t underestimate the experience you gain just by looking at the options, and trying out a few. Even if you don’t get a huge revenue boost, that’s one more bit of experience under your belt for next time :slight_smile:

David have you played much with the different type of overlay ads in Leadbolt? If so, which have u had the most success with. The Top Apps/Games only pays if they install something from it, which doesn’t help me much with my low traffic.

Or are they all like that?

Well so for not good :frowning: One day in and I saw a serious drop in my play. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence b/c it’s after the holiday (July 5th). But my impressions are less than half of what they normally are at this time. And worst is not one person clicked on the Leadbolt ad so it’s making nothing. I removed the Top Apps page. It was full screen and intrusive. I replaced it with a 468x60 (4 ads) overlay. Not so in your face, but higher chance the user will play the game again and not be very annoyed and quit completely. Which is what I believe is happening here. Gotta find the balance. Tomorrow when people upgrade to this version I’ll let you know how it goes.

Oh ya, I know. I’ll get roughly the same impressions I get with tapfortap that I use on the menus before the games.

So far, after a couple days the Leadbolt experiment has been largely a failure. I launch an overlay ad at the end of every game you play and depending on which game you pick it can last anywhere between 90 seconds and 20 minutes. During the game I have an admob banner and before the game on the main menus I have tapfortap ads. Today I generated several hundred tapfortap hits, and several thousand admob. Wanna know how many Leadbolt impressions? Four. Yup, that’s right. Four. And I was one of them. Theoretically, leadbolt and tapfortap should have roughly the same impression count. I don’t have a lot of repeat play so I don’t expect that this is just a case of people not running the latest version b/c almost all my players are people that downloaded the game within the last several days.

I have no idea why I’m not getting leadbolt hits. Not a clue. Are they hitting close on the ad really fast before an impression is registered maybe? I’m not sure. I’ll give it another week and then decide if I’m removing it or not. Even my repeat players will have all updated by then I think. But currently I’ve yet to make a single penny from leadbolt.

Hmm, that’s surprising. I’ve never had issues with not getting impressions from LeadBolt, once the ad unit was approved. It sounds strange that you would get nothing out of it at all.

On the Google Play Developer Console it does show you how many people are running the latest version of your app. Have many people upgraded yet?

50ish, of course my little game only has about 250 active users. Which would mean that the only people playing are the ones who haven’t updated. Just seems odd. I’ll give it a bit more time. In a couple days, once half the active users are running it, then the impressions there should be much better.

Better be, at least, or it’ll get the ole heave ho.
In the last 4 hours these are my numbers. 100 or so tapfortap hits. 714 admob. 3 leadbolt. Every time someone plays a game there should be 1 tapfortap (before the game begins) then a bunch of admob then 1 leadbolt (when the game ends).

So a friend of mine plays my game some. He told me that sometimes the overlay ad doesn’t even show, but he still played around 30 games where it did. I only have 17 impressions from Leadbolt so far. And that’s after a good night where I had over 1000 tapfortap impressions. So ya. I’m going to take it out, it’s either not showing, not counting or both. I did email leadbolt and all they said was, “You should use notification ads instead!” Ya, no thanks, I barely get installs as it is. I’m not Draw Something where I can throw in notification ads and balk at the people who hate them.

I think with the new admob I can have interstitial ads. I’ll take a look tonight.

currently you cant with admob, because you have to get “invited” by admon before allowed to use interstitials - yxou can only use them for house ads at the moment. That’s my point of information about it, maybe they will open it up for everyone in the future.

Oh that’s too bad. My other recourse is to show the full page “Top Apps/Games” ad. I didn’t like it because it was really annoying, but it always launched at least.

If you just want that functionality just build your own interstitial and use a rectangle banner and a skip button or something … not sure if they perform any better, but they should

At the moment I’m actually using AdMob for my interstitials (as mediation). I don’t have access to AdMob interstitials themselves, but I’ve written a few custom wrappers so I can use it to control whether a LeadBolt ad shows, or Inneractive, Millennial Media, or any of the other ads I’m using.

Could be worth looking at using a mediation network. That way you can experiment more easily with these various networks & ad formats, without having to release a new update every time :slight_smile:

Thank you for the feedback everyone, and for showing interest in Payoneer. If you have any questions at all regarding our service, or would like to leave me some comments/suggestions, I’d be happy to hear them :slight_smile:

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