I know it's January and Ad Revenue has taken a freaken HIT! What are you guys looking

Now that sucks your account manager is suppose to help. If your account manager can’t help you , then its time to look into another network. Are your apps on googleplay or off?

This sounds like an awful time. If you’re interested, I could get you a place in our early partners with our current $3-5 eCPMs for every account. They’ve been rising every day and we love working with smaller developers to see what works best. Check out what we do at demo.unlockable.com (score 50k and you get my respect) and email me @ [email protected] if you want to talk.

@UnlockableMike do you have some sort of listener if an offer is available? I do not want to prompt my user to unlock something via unlockable but there is no video to watch or game to play…

Yes, we have a listener and the unlock button can simply not appear if there isn’t inventory. This isn’t currently an issue as we have 100% fill, but we allow full customization, to the point where you can ask for only certain situations in which you want the button to appear. (sort by user, geo, etc.) It’s all done server to server though so we can keep the 1 kb weight.

Okay… I will check it out! tnx!

LOL how do I sign up? No sign up link in your website… lol tsk tsk…
