How is Mobilecore performing on googleplay lately?

click interstitials instead of all ads lol

All ad networks are down right now I tested them all this month and Mobilecore is still the better one right now, I tested thier ads on over 10 diferent devices and I have no issues at all closing the x buttons on thier ads. Thier ads also close just fine on back button pressed so users have 2 options to close out and dismiss ads. And Yes I do think thier impressions are lower, I noticed my impressions dropped 75% switching from Heyzap but the revenue is slightly higher and i get paid weekly now instead of net45 from heyzap ads.

I just wish they also offer banner ads to go along with the stickies, now I have to use an extra ad network for banners. Also stickies they dont count impressions on those. Stickies on Splash Screens earns me extra income. :slight_smile: With launch of some new apps recently im doing over $100 a week with them on google play which is good for live wallpapers.