Google Play - previous violations? What google tracks?

Well I don’t know what necessities you have but actually I’m using a webhosting for the house ads. In particular I’ve build a very simple structure

  1. On a cheap or free webpage I write the link to the apk on gplay that I want to advertise and the link to a photo hosting site (here you can use even a blog) for the ads pic.
  2. From my app I check this web page and get the data (apk link + ads pic) and I show the ads
  3. If gplay account get banned I just get another webpage for free (or maximum 5$/month) and upload the same data

Is easy as that. I don’t think I’ll need a server for this easy task

I don’t think google would actually pay attention to the IP’s your app connects to, unless it’s been previously blacklisted. See, with so many libraries, apis and sdk’s an apk can have, the average app with ads and social tools must be connecting to at least 5 to 10 different IP’s.
Now let’s say you get your app banned. Will they blacklist all of these IP’s? Clearly not. Will they check every single IP your app connects to just to see whether they correspond to a certain known network or library? Sounds unlikely.

Let’s say you got an app previously banned in GP, but still online in alternative stores.
Let’s also say you add an HTML webview to tell users that the app is no longer updated and then link them with direct to GP link to another app you have which is live in another GP account.
Is it risky that GP would see an incoming link from banned package name to live package name? Could it link a banned acct with a live one?

Google definitely checks IPs your app connects to. I got a warning about ACRA sending crash reports to my server - the warning contained the address of my server.

Are you generating the apk on same machine/windows?

Exactly! He is a ****. He did not help us and i pay him a lot of money. Now I want refund but he is hiding. He even not change anything on his site and he promised… he is just a scam. also he write a thread about how app2top is great and next he say that it is shit. he got a lot of referrals and fu ck people. he is just idiot

My man :smiley:
I am a big fan, keep doing what you’re doing.
Just please don’t make username about me, I hope we can be friends.
Take care.

yes on the same machine and windows but on different windows user. And after ban I delete and re-download eclipse

How about the Android SDk you re-download that as well ?

Google is well aware of everything these days. They know how to detect something not going good and work accordingly.
They scan your everything including google lay account :slight_smile:

The best solution is to make legit apps
If you are already blacklisted, use one of your family member’s ID to get new GP accounts and keep making legit apps.

No, sdk is ok, you don’t need to re-download it. I also create new ID numbers for each of my ads. I connect to internet through my cel phone(tethering). To get new ip from cel phone put it in airplane mode for 30 seconds and than turn off airplane mode. Before connecting to internet don’t forget to delete the google account from your phone. Once you have finished uploading your apps close the windows user and disconnect again for 30 seconds - than reconnect and re-enter with your old google account on your phone if you want.
You need to be precise and don’t miss any of the above points.
Login only when you really need it.