Google Play Developer Policy - Questions/Answers

Appwall or interstitials over home screen %100 forbidden. For liwewallpaper, you can show interstitials when user access to livewallpaper settings, and you can show banners in lwp settings, you can also add appwall when user exits lwp settings. However you cannot do anything outside the app or its settings.

if I embed it in the lwp engine(banner or interstitial)?..or put a button such as “Offer of the Day”(in LWP graphic)?..

Can i still use cross promotion allert dialogs with link to my other app ?

It seems that, according to your view, only strict in-app advertising works. As I’m sure you’d agree, wallpaper apps don’t have real estate to advertise on. It’s an app that people use every day but almost never get into the app settings. This means that these developers are providing value to the user all the time, but will not be able to make money at all.
In your view - what viable options do wallpaper apps have for monetization that would actually provide them with reasonable income?

could some one clarify pls. if the exit offer walls are valid or not. Since they are shown when the app has been or is going to be terminated

Yes i’d love clarification for this as well…
Also do you guys think Google will be scanning all apps in their market place to detect if apps are using push/icon SDKs Or will apps that don’t update just be banned once a user flags the app for violating ad policy?

Do any of these appear AFTER the app stuff has disappeared and home screen is showing (does Airpush dialog ad type do that ?).

Otherwise if the ad has it’s own background, I am assuming it should be ok - for example appbrain exit-ad shows a “Would you like to see more apps” and then shows the offerwall - and home screen is never shown - so it looks very much a part of your app.

I suspect if there is a HUGE delay between your app exiting and the dialog ad appearing THEN that might be an issue.

The slow to appear ads also happen with:

PlayHaven - can be about 1-2 seconds - so I am guessing if you show these as on-exit appwall, then could also look odd ??

Maybe the solution for them will be to start showing ads as PART of their wallpaper graphic - for example the wallpaper slides away to show an ad occasionally (!) - though with home screens FULL of app icons, there wouldn’t be much showing at the bottom.

But since wallpapers can do basically just about anything on screen, they COULD have a guy pop up a placard which has an ad on it or something … whether that will suit the Google ban-engine or not is not clear.


I have posted extensively on the “Kafka-esque” goings on at Google banning department. Reading some of that may bring some warmth to your heart, if not any satisfaction (since it does nothing to make Google change it’s stone-face towards developers).

I think what makes matters WORSE (or is the ROOT CAUSE) of this developer misunderstanding is Google’s OWN lack of enforcement of it’s own rules. It creates rules - lets the market run amock - and then cracks down arbitrarily. I think Google wants to save itself the burden that full compliance (or zero-tolerance) would require. Also they may even want to BENEFIT from the “bulk” that such apps provide to the Google Play store - compared to the iOS one where no illegal content is available - on Android there are more free stuff, more free soundboards etc. (although Google cracks down eventually - or perhaps in response to an actual complaint by copyright holders).

The result of this lack of enforcement is that 90% of violations REMAIN on the Google Play store - with the result that ANY developer seeking guidance “by experience” i.e. seeing what is available on Google Play, they will get totally the WRONG impression.

And even if they should know better - they will think it is some “wink-wink” behavior on Google’s part to allow such activity - after all much of Google’s earlier forays into search were treading on sensitive toes - from the archiving of large chunks of data/books etc. - which the ONLY reason people relented was that they saw that perhaps promotion by Google was going to benefit them much more than not having (some part of) their content listed etc. …

I think if anything this is going to push them to add a “prefetch” method - so that one can be SURE that an ad will appear.

This is the type of performance-improving suggestion developers having been giving ad networks for a while - but not all have bothered to do so.

However with Home Screen being at the back, I suspect many of these ad networks can PROBABLY just IMMEDIATELY show a background - and then let the ad or dialog ad show at the top - in fact dialog ad in general on exit maybe a misapplication - since a dialog ad is DESIGNED to allow the background to show - so suits using during an app, and would not be the format of choice (or required) for on-exit type of use anyway.

The problem is that the Airpush SmartWall makes this decision itself - so maybe there needs to be a “all except dialog ad” or some such modification.

However these changes are not earth-shattering and Airpush should be able to come up with something.

But I suspect this whole exercise will benefit developers - as it pushes the ad networks to provide PROMPT responsiveness in their ad presentations (primarily by providing a fetch() functionality - as some ad networks don’t provide such a pre-fetch method).

@ElnRoz, I am kinda bored arguing with you. If you have any question about this topic, please ask.

@adforandroidapps, Please stop posting article-like answers, keep them short and related to topic only.

In my opinion, airpush smartwall on exit is a no-no. It takes ages to show the ads after the user exit which is confusing and probably not allowed as per the new policy.

Also, wallpapers are pretty much dead now. There is really no better way to monetize them.

Is it possible to sell with in app billing something from my application (such as the paid version :slight_smile: via notification?

Did google checks updated applications or just the newly added?
I’ve seen quite recently updated applications that still use the push notification.


I have a question here:

When is the last day we should update our non-compliant apps?

For safety, I will do it before September 22, (23 august + 30 days)

Thank you, binoct

I use push notification through GCM, for the purpose of advertising messages and update my new applications. There was no suspension google.

That URL doesn’t exist?